琐碎的默认构造函数不能是 constexpr?

Trivial default constructor can't be constexpr?

本文关键字:constexpr 不能 构造函数 默认      更新时间:2023-10-16

看起来C 标准当前可以防止微不足道的默认构造函数为constexpr(如果有任何非静态成员变量),因为一个琐碎的默认构造函数必须什么都不做,但是constexpr constructor却不执行必须初始化所有内容。不幸的是,这阻止了类型是POD类型。



struct A {
    int a;
    // Non-default constructors necessitate an explicit default
    // constructor if default constructor is to exist
    constexpr A(int b) : a(b) {}
#if 1 // non-POD
    // constexpr default constructor must initialize everything,
    // but this makes A non-POD.
    constexpr A() : a(0) {}
#else // Workaround
    A() = default;
    struct UnnecessaryClass {};
    constexpr A(UnnecessaryClass) : a(0) {}
constexpr void someConstexprFunction(ClassThatADoesntKnowAbout& t) {
#if 1 // non-POD
    A a;             // I'd prefer this not be initialized yet,
#else // Workaround
    A a(A::UnnecessaryClass());
    t.initializeA(a) // because it's initialized here.
    // It doesn't make a difference when it's run at compile-time,
    // but the redundant initialization is rather unfortunate if it's
    // done at run-time.
void someNonConstexprFunction() {
    A *pa = new A[1000000]; // array is redundantly initialized in non-POD case
    ... // Other downsides of non-POD types, too

更新:自C 20:wg21.link/p1331r2





struct A { int a; }
constexpr A a;
using AVal = std::integral_constant<int, a.a>;


不仅不能在 constexpr上下文中使用琐碎的构造函数,而且也不能琐碎地构造内置类型。

constexpr评估实现了C 的有限子集,该子集不包括非初始化值。因此,他们被禁止。
