
SFINAE issue with traits detecting division

本文关键字:问题 Sfinae 特征检测部      更新时间:2023-10-16


struct default_t { };
// Overloaded template for fallbacks
template <class U, class V>
default_t operator/(U, V);
// If the expression std::declval<U>()/std::declval<V>() is valid,
// gives the return type, otherwize provide Default.
template <class U, class V, class Default>
struct div_type_or {
    using type_ = decltype(std::declval<U>() / std::declval<V>());
    using type = typename std::conditional<
        std::is_same<type_, default_t>{},
template <class... Args>
using div_type_or_t = typename div_type_or<Args...>::type;

这与libstdc 很好,但与libc 无关,当我尝试使用不可分割的std::chrono::duration类型时,例如:

struct A { };
div_type_or_t<std::chrono::seconds, A, int> b;


/library/developer/commandlinetools/usr/includs/c /v1/chrono:764:81: 错误:没有类型为"类型"的类型 'std :: __ 1 :: common_type' typename common_type :: type> :: value> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~

/library/developer/commandlinetools/usr/include/c /v1/charrono:777:7: 注意:实例化默认参数 '__duration_divide_imp>,a>'此处需要 :__duration_divide_imp,_rep2> ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>

/library/developer/commandlinetools/usr/includs/c /v1/charrono:784:10: 注意:在模板类的实例化中 'std :: __ 1 :: chrono :: __ duration_divide_result>,a,false>' 在此处请求TypeName __duration_divide_result,_rep2> ::类型 ^

test.cpp:16:46:注意:将推论模板参数替换为函数模板'operator/'[with _rep1 = long long,_period = std :: __ 1 :: ratio&lt; 1,1>, rep2 = a] 使用type = dectType(std :: dectval()/std :: dectval()); ^

test.cpp:24:1:注意:在模板类的实例化中 'div_type_or>,a,d>'在此请求使用div_type_or_t = typenamediv_type_or :: type;^

test.cpp:48:19: 注意:在模板的实例化中类型的别名'div_type_or_t' 在这里要求 div_type_or_t,d> {},");


template< class Rep1, class Period, class Rep2 >
duration<typename std::common_type<Rep1,Rep2>::type, Period>
    constexpr operator/( const duration<Rep1, Period>& d,
                         const Rep2& s );


由于这与libstdc 一起使用,所以我只是想知道我的代码是否存在问题(也许我不明白Sfinae在这种情况下的工作方式),或者这是否是libc bug?

在libc 中,我们有:

template <class _Duration, class _Rep, bool = __is_duration<_Rep>::value>
struct __duration_divide_result
template <class _Duration, class _Rep2,
    bool = is_convertible<_Rep2,
                          typename common_type<typename _Duration::rep, _Rep2>::type>::value>
struct __duration_divide_imp
template <class _Rep1, class _Period, class _Rep2>
struct __duration_divide_imp<duration<_Rep1, _Period>, _Rep2, true>
    typedef duration<typename common_type<_Rep1, _Rep2>::type, _Period> type;
template <class _Rep1, class _Period, class _Rep2>
struct __duration_divide_result<duration<_Rep1, _Period>, _Rep2, false>
    : __duration_divide_imp<duration<_Rep1, _Period>, _Rep2>
template <class _Rep1, class _Period, class _Rep2>
typename __duration_divide_result<duration<_Rep1, _Period>, _Rep2>::type
operator/(const duration<_Rep1, _Period>& __d, const _Rep2& __s)
    typedef typename common_type<_Rep1, _Rep2>::type _Cr;
    typedef duration<_Cr, _Period> _Cd;
    return _Cd(_Cd(__d).count() / static_cast<_Cr>(__s));

所以而不是 std::common_type<_Rep1, _Rep2>::type
他们使用__duration_divide_result<duration<_Rep1, _Period>, _Rep2 /*, false*/>
实例化__duration_divide_imp<duration<_Rep1, _Period>, _Rep2 /*, is_convertible<_Rep2, typename common_type<_Rep1, _Rep2>::type>::value*/>


我会说,在这方面,libc 中的实现是不正确的。