我可以在函数 getline 中使用 2 个或更多分隔符C++吗?

Can I use 2 or more delimiters in C++ function getline?

本文关键字:分隔符 C++ 函数 getline 我可以      更新时间:2023-10-16



New Your, Paris, 100
CityA, CityB, 200


但是,我如何使用逗号和作为分隔符? 顺便说一句,我正在操作字符串类型,而不是字符,所以 strtok 是不可能的:/


string line;
ifstream file("text.txt");
getline(file, line);
// here I need to get each string before comma and n


string line;
ifstream file("text.txt");
while(getline(file, line)){   // get a whole line
std::stringstream ss(line);
while(getline(ss, line, ',')){
// You now have separate entites here

不,std::getline() 只接受单个字符,以覆盖默认分隔符。std::getline()没有多个备用分隔符的选项。


但是,如果您真正解析逗号分隔的值,则应使用正确的 CSV 解析器。


另一种方法是像strtok一样进行标记化 - 从输入开始,一次处理一个令牌,直到遇到输入结束。 在解析简单输入时,这可能是首选,因为它很容易实现。 在解析具有嵌套结构的输入时,也可以使用此样式,但这需要维护某种上下文信息,这些信息可能会变得过于复杂,无法在单个函数或有限的代码区域中维护。

依赖C++ std 库的人通常最终会使用std::stringstreamstd::getline来标记字符串输入。 但是,这只给你一个分隔符。 他们永远不会考虑使用strtok,因为它是C运行时库中不可重入的垃圾。 因此,它们最终使用流,并且只有一个分隔符,因此必须使用分层解析样式。

但是 zneak 提出了std::string::find_first_of,它接受一组字符并返回最接近包含该集合字符的字符串开头的位置。 还有其他成员函数:find_last_offind_first_not_of等,它们似乎只是为了解析字符串而存在的。 但std::string并没有提供有用的标记化功能。


但是,只需很少的努力,您就可以利用std::string中的现有函数来执行标记化任务,而无需求助于流。 下面是一个简单的示例。get_to()是标记化函数,tokenize演示了如何使用它。

此示例中的代码将比strtok慢,因为它不断擦除正在解析的字符串开头的字符,并且还会复制并返回子字符串。 这使得代码易于理解,但这并不意味着更有效的标记化是不可能的。 它甚至不会比这复杂得多 - 您只需跟踪当前位置,将其用作std::string成员函数中的start参数,并且永远不会更改源字符串。 毫无疑问,还有更好的技术存在。


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
namespace string_parsing {
// in-place trim whitespace off ends of a std::string
inline void trim(std::string &str) {
auto space_is_it = [] (char c) {
// A few asks:
// * Suppress criticism WRT localization concerns
// * Avoid jumping to conclusions! And seeing monsters everywhere! 
//   Things like...ah! Believing "thoughts" that assumptions were made
//   regarding character encoding.
// * If an obvious, portable alternative exists within the C++ Standard Library,
//   you will see it in 2.0, so no new defect tickets, please.
// * Go ahead and ignore the rumor that using lambdas just to get 
//   local function definitions is "cheap" or "dumb" or "ignorant."
//   That's the latest round of FUD from...*mumble*.
return c > '' && c <= ' '; 
for(auto rit = str.rbegin(); rit != str.rend(); ++rit) {
if(!space_is_it(*rit)) {
if(rit != str.rbegin()) {
str.erase(&*rit - &*str.begin() + 1);
for(auto fit=str.begin(); fit != str.end(); ++fit) {
if(!space_is_it(*fit)) {
if(fit != str.begin()) {
str.erase(str.begin(), fit);
}   }   }   }
// get_to(string, <delimiter set> [, delimiter])
// The input+output argument "string" is searched for the first occurance of one 
// from a set of delimiters.  All characters to the left of, and the delimiter itself
// are deleted in-place, and the substring which was to the left of the delimiter is
// returned, with whitespace trimmed.
// <delimiter set> is forwarded to std::string::find_first_of, so its type may match
// whatever this function's overloads accept, but this is usually expressed
// as a string literal: ", n" matches commas, spaces and linefeeds.
// The optional output argument "found_delimiter" receives the delimiter character just found.
template <typename D>
inline std::string get_to(std::string& str, D&& delimiters, char& found_delimiter) {
const auto pos = str.find_first_of(std::forward<D>(delimiters));
if(pos == std::string::npos) {
// When none of the delimiters are present,
// clear the string and return its last value.
// This effectively makes the end of a string an
// implied delimiter.
// This behavior is convenient for parsers which
// consume chunks of a string, looping until
// the string is empty.
// Without this feature, it would be possible to 
// continue looping forever, when an iteration 
// leaves the string unchanged, usually caused by
// a syntax error in the source string.
// So the implied end-of-string delimiter takes
// away the caller's burden of anticipating and 
// handling the range of possible errors.
found_delimiter = '';
std::string result;
std::swap(result, str);
return result;
found_delimiter = str[pos];
auto left = str.substr(0, pos);
str.erase(0, pos + 1);
return left;
template <typename D>
inline std::string get_to(std::string& str, D&& delimiters) {
char discarded_delimiter;
return get_to(str, std::forward<D>(delimiters), discarded_delimiter);
inline std::string pad_right(const std::string&     str,
std::string::size_type min_length,
char                   pad_char=' ')
if(str.length() >= min_length ) return str;
return str + std::string(min_length - str.length(), pad_char);
inline void tokenize(std::string source) {
std::cout << source << "nn";
bool quote_opened = false;
while(!source.empty()) {
// If we just encountered an open-quote, only include the quote character
// in the delimiter set, so that a quoted token may contain any of the
// other delimiters.
const char* delimiter_set = quote_opened ? "'" : ",'{}";
char delimiter;
auto token = get_to(source, delimiter_set, delimiter);
quote_opened = delimiter == ''' && !quote_opened;
std::cout << "    " << pad_right('[' + token + ']', 16) 
<< "   " << delimiter << 'n';
std::cout << 'n';
int main() {
string_parsing::tokenize("{1.5, null, 88, 'hi, {there}!'}");


{1.5, null, 88, 'hi, {there}!'}
[]                 {
[1.5]              ,
[null]             ,
[88]               ,
[]                 '
[hi, {there}!]     '
[]                 }

我不认为这是你应该解决问题的方式(即使你可以做到); 相反:

  1. 使用每行中必须阅读的内容
  2. 然后用逗号将该行分开以获得所需的部分。
