
Failed to create adjacency list via one array of singly linked list

本文关键字:数组 链表 创建 列表 一个      更新时间:2023-10-16



 using namespace std;
 typedef struct city
      int id;
      struct city *next;
 int main()
     int num_city, index = 0, length;
     cin >> num_city;   
     length = num_city;
     city **adj_list = new city*[num_city]; // here it's the header node
     for(int index = 0 ; index < length ; index++)
             adj_list[index] = new city;
     city **temp = adj_list;
     while( num_city -- )
             int a,b;
             cin >> a;
             cin >> b;
             city *t1 = new city;
             t1 -> id = a;
             t1 -> next = NULL;
             city *t2 = new city;
             t2 -> id = b;
             t2 -> next = NULL;
             temp[a] -> next = t2;
             temp[b] -> next = t1;  
             temp[a] = temp[a] -> next;
             temp[b] = temp[b] -> next;
      for ( int index = 0; index < length ; index ++)
             delete []  adj_list[index];
      delete [] adj_list;
    adj_list = NULL;

当我尝试逐个访问单向链表时,它的输出是 NULL .



有两个问题。您正在使用temp来跟踪每个列表中的最后一项。但是temp指向原始adj_list它是adj_list而不是副本),因此结果是adj_list本身仅保留您在每个列表中添加的最后一项。如果将初始adj_list复制到 temp 中,则更新temp不会影响 adj_list 中的现有项目。

第二个问题是,邻居的对数可能多于城市的数量。以 5 个城市为例:(2,3)、(2,4)、(2,5)、(2,1)、(1,5)、(4,5)、(3,4)。所以你不能循环num_city.相反,继续循环,直到用户输入城市-1

我添加了一个构造函数city( int id, city* next ),以便更轻松地初始化每个新城市。 temp被重命名为tail,以更清楚地说明其目的。该功能分为 3 个部分,构建、打印和删除。

typedef struct city
    int id;
    struct city *next;
    city(int id, city *next) { this->id = id; this->next = next; }
} city;
// pass `adj_list` in as a reference (city **&) so you keep the changes to it when you return
int adj_list_build(city **& adj_list)
    int num_city, index = 0;
    cin >> num_city;
    // you need to keep track of the "tail" (end) of each list so you know where to add next item
    city **tail = new city*[num_city];
    adj_list = new city*[num_city];
    for (int index = 0; index < num_city; index++)
        adj_list[index] = new city( index, NULL );
        tail[index] = adj_list[index]; // the tail starts off pointing to the first item in each list
    while (true)
        int a, b;
        cin >> a;               // enter `-1` to stop
        if (a == -1 ) break;
        cin >> b;
        a--;                    // convert to 0-index
        city *t1 = new city( a, NULL );
        city *t2 = new city( b, NULL );
        tail[a]->next = t2;
        tail[b]->next = t1;
        tail[a] = t2; // or `tail[a] = tail[a]->next;` - they have same effect 
        tail[b] = t1;
    return num_city;
void adj_list_print(city ** adj_list, int length)
    for (int index = 0; index < length; index++)
        cout << index << ": ";
        city * item = adj_list[index];
        while (item)
            cout << item->id << " " << item->next << " ";
            item = item->next;
        cout << endl;
void adj_list_delete(city ** adj_list, int length)
    for (int index = 0; index < length; index++)
        delete[]  adj_list[index];
    delete[] adj_list;
    adj_list = NULL;
void main()
    city ** adj_list;
    int len = adj_list_build( adj_list );
    adj_list_print(adj_list, len);
    adj_list_delete(adj_list, len);