使用数组的 C++ 回文程序

c++ palindrome program using arrays

本文关键字:回文 程序 C++ 数组      更新时间:2023-10-16


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
    //Variables and Arrays
    char Phrase[80];
    char Reverse[80];
    char* Palindrome = Reverse;
    int i, j, test = 1;
    cout << "Please enter a sentence to be reversed: ";
    cin >> Phrase;
    cin.getline(Phrase, 80);
    int length = strlen(Phrase);
    for(i = 0; i < (length/2); i++) // do a loop from 0 to half the length of the string
        if(test == 1) // test for palindrome
            if(Phrase[i] != Phrase[length-i-1]) // check if the characters match
                test = 0; // if they don't set the indicator to false
            break; // if it is not a palindrome, exit the for loop
    if(test == 1) //test to print out the phrase if it's a palindrome
        cout << "Phrase/Word is a Palindrome." << endl;
        for(j = strlen(Phrase) - 1; j >= 0; Palindrome++, j--)
            *Palindrome = Phrase[j];
            cout << "The reverse is: " << Reverse << endl << endl;
        cout << "Phrase/Word is not a Palindrome." << endl;
    return 0;

你 使用赋值而不是使用相等

 if(test = 1) //Logical error. which will always be true
//it should be
if(test == 1)




=表示赋值,因此语句test = 1test设置为 1。由于 int 到 bool 的转换,如果 test 不为零,它将转换为 true 。因此,在您的代码中,每个if(test...)的计算结果都将true

要解决此问题,您应该使用 == 来测试相等性。

你的逻辑在第一个循环中是错误的:test初始化为 0 并且永远不会等于 1,所以第一个循环是无用的。试试这个

int test = 1;