
C++ program not displaying the content from the text file correctly

本文关键字:文件 文本 显示 程序 C++      更新时间:2023-10-16




11  50
12  25  4543 2323 2321
12  25  Barclays
13  100 
14  100
15  50  4545 6343 4342
15  25  HSBC
16  100
17  100
18  100
19  100
20  25  4546 3432 3211
21  75
22  100 Lloyds
23  100


void payment()
    // Display message asking for the user input
    std::cout << "nList all payment made by each student, show amount paid and outstanding." << std::endl;
    // Read from text file and Display list of payment
    std::ifstream infile;               // enable to open, read in and close a text file
    float StudentCode;                  // to store the student enrolment number
    float Amount;                       // to store the amount of money
    float Type;                         // to store information on type of payment made
    float Outstanding;                  // to store amount of money is due
    std::map<int, float> amountsPaid;   
    infile.open("Payment.txt");         // open a text file called Payment
    if (!infile)                 
        std::cout << "List is empty" << std::endl;      // if the file is empty it output the message
        // Display Headings and sub-headings
        std::cout << "nList of Payment: " << std::endl;
        std::cout << "" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Enrolment No." << "   " << "Amount" << "  " << "Outstanding" << std::endl;
        // accumulate amounts
        while (infile >> StudentCode >> Amount) 
            amountsPaid[StudentCode] += Amount;
        // loop through map and print all entries
        for (auto i = amountsPaid.begin(); i != amountsPaid.end(); ++i) 
            float outstanding = 100 - i->second;
            // Display the list of payment made by each student
            std::cout << i->first << "      " << i->second << " " << "$: " << outstanding << 'n' << std::endl;
    infile.close();         // close the text file  


11 50 $5012 25 $752321 12 $884543 2323 $-2223



while (infile >> StudentCode >> Amount) 
    amountsPaid[StudentCode] += Amount;


11   5012   254543 23232321 12

此时遇到文本Barclays,因此 while 循环终止。那是因为文本无法转换为float


string line;
while (getline(infile, line))
    istringstream strm(line);
    strm >> StudentCode >> Amount;
    amountsPaid[StudentCode] += Amount;


{    金额已付[学生代码] += 金额;
    infile.getline(buff, size);它将读取剩余行
