如何在不提升的情况下将 C++11 代码转换为 C++98

How can I convert the C++11 code to C++98 without boost?

本文关键字:C++11 代码 转换 C++98 情况下      更新时间:2023-10-16


template<typename containerT>
void incElement(containerT c){
  for(auto i = c.begin(); i != c.end(); ++i) {
    for(auto j = (*i).begin(); j != (*i).end(); ++j) {

如何使用 C++98 完成此操作?我试过了:

template<typename containerT, typename containerRowT, typename containerElementT>
void incElement(containerT<containerRowT<containerElementT> > c) {
  for(containerT<containerRowT<containerElementT> >::iterator i = c.begin(); i != c.end; ++i) {
    for(containerRowT<containerElementT> >::iterator j = (*i).begin(); j != (*j).end(); ++j){


test.cpp:4:17: error: ‘containerT’ is not a template
 void incElement(containerT<containerRowT<containerElementT> > c) {
test.cpp:4:28: error: ‘containerRowT’ is not a template
 void incElement(containerT<containerRowT<containerElementT> > c) {
test.cpp: In function ‘void incElement(containerT)’:
test.cpp:5:7: error: ‘containerT’ is not a template




template<typename Iterator>
void inner(Iterator begin, Iterator end)
    for (; begin != end; ++begin)
template<typename Iterator>
void outer(Iterator begin, Iterator end)
    for (; begin != end; ++begin)
        inner(begin->begin(), begin->end());
template<typename Container>
void incElement(Container& container)
    outer(container.begin(), container.end());



template <typename containerT>
void incElement(containerT &c)  //assuming you want a reference here, otherwise you'll be mnodifying a local copy only
  typedef typename containerT::iterator TypeOfI;
  typedef typename containerT::value_type TypeOfStarI;
  typedef typename TypeOfStarI::iterator TypeOfJ;
  for (TypeOfI i = c.begin(); i != c.end(); ++i) {
    for (TypeOfJ j = i->begin(); j != i->end(); ++j) {



for (typename containerT::iterator i ...) {
    for (typename containerT::value_type::iterator j ...)


template<template<class> class containerT, template<class> class containerRowT, typename containerElementT>
void incElement(containerT<containerRowT<containerElementT> > c);

那么对于 STL 容器来说呢:

template<typename containerT>
void incElement(containerT c){
  for(typename containerT::iterator i = c.begin(); i != c.end(); ++i) {
    for(typename containerT::value_type::iterator j = (*i).begin(); j != (*i).end(); ++j) {