无法从源代码生成 doxygen chm/html 输出

Cannot generate doxygen chm/html output from source code

本文关键字:chm html 输出 doxygen 代码生成      更新时间:2023-10-16

我无法从Doxygen 1.8.6生成chm/html输出。我想生成下面给出的 cpp 文件中列出的方法说明。我已经将该文件包含在 INPUT 标签的 doxygen 配置文件中。我只想让我的输出显示 cpp 文件中的方法。还有一个头文件 .h,其中包含以下内容:


extern "C" 
  #include "..IncludeAPIDef.h"
    const wchar_t* InputFilePath, const wchar_t* OutputFilePath,
    const wchar_t* DstDriverString, MIRASIO_CompressionType CompressionType,
    unsigned int CompressionLevel, bool MaintainOverview,
    unsigned int srcField, unsigned int srcEvent,unsigned int srcBand,
    unsigned int nProgressTrackerHandle = InvalidTracker);


 * @brief Convert operation (Old). Converts a specified file to MRR format.
 * param[in]       InputFilePath           Full path to the input file.
 * param[in]       OutputFilePath          Full path to the output file.
 * param[in]       DstDriverString         Driver to use to create the output file.
 * param[in]       CompressionType         Type of compression.
 * param[in]       CompressionLevel        Level of the compression.
 * param[in]       MaintainOverview        True to maintain overview.
 * param[in]       srcField                Source field index to resample (when source file is of MRR raster type).
 * param[in]       srcEvent                Source event type.
 * param[in]       srcBand                 Band of the source file.
 * param[in]       nProgressTrackerHandle  Progress tracker handle.
 * @return <code>MIRASIO_ReturnCode</code>.
MIRASIO_ReturnCode MIRASIO_ConvertOperation (
  const wchar_t* InputFilePath, const wchar_t* OutputFilePath,
  const wchar_t* DstDriverString, MIRASIO_CompressionType CompressionType,
  unsigned int CompressionLevel, bool MaintainOverview, unsigned int srcField,
  unsigned int srcEvent, unsigned int srcBand, unsigned int nProgressTrackerHandle)
  return RasterOperationsContainer::AcquireProcessingOperation()->ConvertOperation(
           InputFilePath,OutputFilePath, DstDriverString,CompressionType,
           CompressionLevel, MaintainOverview, srcField, srcEvent, srcBand,

如何为 cpp 文件中列出的方法生成文档?我需要在 doxygen 配置文件中更改哪些参数?


INPUT = api.h API.cpp
# To generate HTML output
# Where HTML docs will be put
# If set to YES doxygen generates three additional HTML index files:
# index.hhp, index.hhc, and index.hhk
# The index.hhp is a project file that can be read by Microsoft's HTML Help
# Workshop. The HTML Help Workshop contains a compiler that can convert all
# HTML output generated by doxygen into a single compiled HTML file (.chm)