
linked list bug

本文关键字:错误 链表      更新时间:2023-10-16

我在C++开发一个程序,在那里我应该在刽子手上与计算机对战,我应该将特定的.cpp文件从使用向量转换为使用链表。虽然我似乎快完成了,但我不断遇到这个奇怪的错误,每次计算机猜错一个字母时,它都会导致我的程序崩溃。我通过调试器运行了程序,并在调用堆栈中弹出一条消息,内容类似于"程序收到 SIGSEGV,分段错误",以及此信息:

Guesser::guessACharacter(this=0x28feac) Line 56
main(argc=1, argv=0x7725a8)             Line 30

崩溃似乎又回到了我的 Guesser::guessACharacter 函数的第 9 行的问题,我尝试将当前节点中的信息放入临时变量中。它看起来像这样:

string word = current->data;


#include "guesser.h"
#include "game.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;
const std::string Guesser::alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";

// Initialize the guesser for a game wit hthe indicated wordlength,
// using words from an indicated file.
Guesser::Guesser (int wordLength, const char* wordListFilename)
    for (int i = 0; i < 26; ++i)
        charactersTried[i] = false;
    string word;
    ifstream in (wordListFilename);
    while (in >> word)
        if (word.size() == wordLength)
            // word is of desired length
            if (word.find_first_not_of(alphabet) == string::npos) {
                // word contains only lowercse alphabetics
                //cerr<<"data before possible soln.:/n"<<possibleSolutions->data<<endl;
                possibleSolutions->data = word;
                //cerr<<"data after possible soln.:/n"<<possibleSolutions->data<<endl;
                possibleSolutions = possibleSolutions -> next;

 * Scan the words that are possible solutions so far, counting, for
 * each letter not already tried, the number of words with that letter.
 * Guess the letter that occurs in the most words.
char Guesser::guessACharacter()
    int counts[26];
    for (int i = 0; i < 26; ++i)
        counts[i] = 0;
    // Count the number of words in which each letter can be found
    for(ListNode* current = possibleSolutions; current != NULL; current = current-> next)
        //cerr<<"data before possible soln.:/n"<<possibleSolutions->data<<endl;
        string word = current->data;
        //cerr<<"data in word:/n"<<word<<endl;
        for (char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; ++c)
            if (!charactersTried[c- 'a'])
                // Character c has not been tried yet
                if (word.find(c) != string::npos)
                    // c is in this word
                    ++counts[c - 'a'];
    // Find the character that occurs in the most words
    char guess = ' ';
    int maxSoFar = -1;
    for (char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; ++c)
        if (counts[c - 'a'] > maxSoFar)
            guess = c;
            maxSoFar = counts[c - 'a'];

    if (maxSoFar <= 0)
        guess = 'a';
        while (charactersTried[guess-'a'])
    charactersTried[guess-'a'] = true;
    return guess;

 * Following a successful guess of a letter in the word, make a pass through
 * the possibleSolutions, removing all words that do not contain the
 * guess character in the positions indicated in wordSoFar.
void Guesser::characterIsInWord (char guess, const string& wordSoFar)
    ListNode* remainingSolutions = 0;
    for(ListNode* current = possibleSolutions; current != NULL; current = current-> next)
        string wd = current-> data;
        bool OK = true;
        for (int k = 0; OK && k < wordSoFar.size(); ++k)
            if (wordSoFar[k] == guess)
                if (wd[k] != guess)
                    OK = false;
        if (OK)
            //cerr << "Keeping " << wd << endl;
            remainingSolutions->data = wd;
            //possibleSolutions->next = remainingSolutions;
    possibleSolutions = remainingSolutions;


 * Following a mistaken guess of a letter in the word, make a pass through
 * the possibleSolutions, removing all words that contain the
 * guess character.
void Guesser::characterIsNotInWord (char guess)
    ListNode* remainingSolutions;
    for(ListNode* current = possibleSolutions; current != NULL; current = current-> next)
        string wd = current->data;
        if (wd.find(guess) == string::npos)
            remainingSolutions = new ListNode(wd, remainingSolutions);
    possibleSolutions = remainingSolutions;

 * Guesser has lost the game. Look at the provider's actual word
 * and gripe a bit about losing.
void Guesser::admitToLoss (std::string actualWord, const string& wordSoFar)
    bool match = actualWord.size() == wordSoFar.size();
    for (int i = 0; match && i < actualWord.size(); ++i)
        match = wordSoFar[i] == Game::FILL_CHARACTER ||
        wordSoFar[i] == actualWord[i];
    if (!match)
        cout << "Ummm...your word '" << actualWord
        << "' does not match the patterh '"
        << wordSoFar <<"'.nDid you make a mistake somewhere?"
        << endl;
        for (int i = 0; match && i < actualWord.size(); ++i)
            if (wordSoFar[i] == Game::FILL_CHARACTER
                && charactersTried[actualWord[i]-'a'])
                cout << "Did you forget to mention the '"
                << actualWord[i]
                << "' in position " << i+1 << "?"
                << endl;
        for (ListNode* current = possibleSolutions;(!match) && current !=
             NULL; current = current-> next)
            match = (actualWord == current->data);
            current = current->next;
            match = match && (current != 0);
        //match = match && (current != 0);
        if (match)
            cout << "OK, I might have guessed that eventually." << endl;
            cout << "Interesting, I don't know that word. Are you sure youn"
            << "spelled it correctly?." << endl;



ListNode* remainingSolutions = 0;
for(ListNode* current = possibleSolutions; current != NULL; current = current-> next)
        if (wordSoFar[k] == guess)
            if (wd[k] != guess)
                OK = false;
    if (OK)
        remainingSolutions->data = wd;
possibleSolutions = remainingSolutions;

如果访问,remainingSolutions将为 0 或 NULL,这可能是原因之一。

同样在最后,它将 NULL 分配给 possibleSolutions(我假设它是 linkedlist 的负责人),所以下次你访问它时,也许通过调用 guessACharacter() ,它会导致分段错误。