cv::Rect 的异常处理

Exception Handling for cv::Rect

本文关键字:异常处理 Rect cv      更新时间:2023-10-16



if ((roi_.x - 5) > 0) // i test here in case the component at the left near border we do not minus otherwise it will be error
    roi_.x += (-5);
if ((roi_.y - 5) > 0) // i test here in case the component at the left near border we do not minus otherwise it will be error
    roi_.y += (-5);
if (&(roi_ + cv::Size(10, 0)) != NULL)
    roi_.width += 10;
if (&(roi_ + cv::Size(0, 10)) != NULL)
    roi_.height += 10;



您收到错误是因为&需要 l 值,而 l 值不适用于roi_ + cv::Size(10, 0)roi_ + cv::Size(0, 10)


if (&(roi_ + cv::Size(10, 0)) != NULL)
if (&(roi_ + cv::Size(0, 10)) != NULL)

if ((roi_.x + roi_.width + 10) < img.cols)
if ((roi_.y + roi_.height + 10) < img.rows)