查找最低值.功能.错误:线程 1:EXC_BAD_ACCESS(代码 = 1,地址 = 0x7fff5fc89000)

Finding Lowest Value. Function. Error: Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (Code =1, address = 0x7fff5fc89000)

本文关键字:最低值 代码 地址 0x7fff5fc89000 ACCESS 功能 线程 EXC 查找 BAD 错误      更新时间:2023-10-16

我正在研究一个函数,以找到 5 个输入双精度值中的最小值。我在网上找到了一个参考资料。我尝试使用数组执行代码,但是收到以下错误:错误:线程 1:EXC_BAD_ACCESS(代码 = 1,地址 = 0x7fff5fc89000)



int findLowest(int s1, int s2, int s3, int s4, int s5)
         int lowest = s1; 
    if (s2 < lowest )        
                  lowest = s2;
         else if (s3 < lowest)
                  lowest = s3;
         else if (s4 < lowest)
                  lowest = s4;
         else if (s5 < lowest)
                  lowest = s5;
         cout << "The lowest test score is: " << lowest << endl;
    return lowest;

来源: http://cboard.cprogramming.com/cplusplus-programming/149549-lowest-score-drop-assignment.html


double findLowest(double a, double b, double c, double e, double f)
    // creating an array numberRange[] to read the 5 input double 
    double numberRange[5] = {a,b,c,e,f}; 
    // creating a variable minimum and assigning it the value of the 
    //first item in the numberRange[] array
    double minimum = numberRange[0];    
    // looping through the numberRange array
    for(int counter = 1; sizeof(numberRange)/sizeof(*numberRange) ; counter++ ) 
    // To get the number of elements in an array, you have to divide 
    // the size of the array by the size of each element
         // checking if the numberRange value at the counter is less 
         // than the minimum value. If true, the minimum value is 
         //replaced with a new value.
        if ( numberRange[counter] < minimum ) 
            minimum = numberRange[counter];
   return minimum;

错误:线程 1:EXC_BAD_ACCESS(代码 =1,地址 = 0x7fff5fc89000)

问题是你的 for 循环测试:

for(int counter = 1; sizeof(numberRange)/sizeof(*numberRange) ; counter++ )
//            this   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ is always true!

为什么不把它counter < 5

你的 for 循环的停止条件非常不寻常。你也从 1 开始计数(为什么不是 0)?只是做一个怎么样:

double numberRange[5] = {a,b,c,e,f}; 
return *std::min_element(numberRange);