为什么"ostream & os"必须在那里C++操作员过载?

Why the "ostream & os" must be there for C++ operator overload?

本文关键字:操作员 C++ 在那里 ostream os 为什么      更新时间:2023-10-16
// The original code is from link: http://hoeven.blogbus.com/logs/37324287.html
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
class test{
     int v;
     test(const int &a):v(a){}
     test(const test &t1):v(t1.v){}
   /*以下重载小于号 < */
     bool operator<(const test &t1) const{
         return (v < t1.v);
     bool operator<(const int &t1) const{
         return (v < t1);
     friend inline bool operator<(const int &a, const test & t1){
         return (a < t1.v);
   /*以下重载赋值号 = */
     test & operator=(const test &t1){
         v = t1.v;
         return *this;
     test & operator=(const int &t1){
         v = t1;
         return *this;
   /*以下重载加号 + */
     //对象加上 int
     test operator+(const int & a){
         test t1;
         t1.v = v + a;
         return t1;
     test operator+(test &t1){
         test t2;
         t2.v = v + t1.v;
         return t2;
   /*以下重载加等号 += */  
     test &operator+=(const test &t1){
         v += t1.v;
         return *this;
     test &operator+=(const int &a){
         v += a;
         return *this;
   /*以下重载双等号 == */  
     bool operator==(const test &t1)const{
         return (v == t1.v);
     bool operator==(const int &t1)const{
         return (v == t1);
   /*以下重载 输入>> 输出<< */
     friend inline ostream & operator << (ostream & os, test &t1){
         cout << "class t(" << t1.v << ")" << endl;
         return os;
     friend inline istream & operator >> (istream & is, test &t1){
         cin >> t1.v;
         return is;
int main(){
     test t0, t1(3);  // t0 has no initial value, so use default value 0
     test t2(t1);
     cout << t0 << t1 << t2;
     cin >> t1;
     t2 = t1;
     t2 += t1;
     t1 += 10;
     cout << t2;
     if(t1 < t2) cout << "t1 < t2";
     else if(t1 == t2) cout << "t1 = t2";
     else /* t1 > t2*/ cout << "t1 > t2";
     cout <<endl;
     system("echo Tom");
     return 0;
 $ ./a.out 
 class t(0)
 class t(3)
 class t(3)
 class t(90)
 t1 < t2

完整的代码如上。但我不明白为什么括号中必须有"ostream & os"(见下文)?如果我删除"ostream & os",就会给出很多错误。

 friend inline ostream & operator << (ostream & os, test &t1){
     cout << "class t(" << t1.v << ")" << endl;
     return os;



inline ostream & operator << (ostream &os, test &t1) {
    os << "class t(" << t1.v << ")" << endl;
    return os;

这使您能够写入任何流,而不仅仅是cout .在前面的代码中,如果您编写ofile << t1;(考虑到ofile是一个文件流),则不会写入文件,但仍会使用标准输出。


  1. 一元this->operator<<(other_object) ),
  2. 二进制operator<<(ostream& os, other_object )。

当你像cout << "some text";二进制运算符一样编写语句时,它会调用参数:类ostream的对象和另一个类


ostream & osoperator <<的左侧。 即 cout << myObject; .在这种情况下,coutostream。但是,在重载中,您将忽略os变量并无条件地使用 cout。您应该在operator <<重载中将cout替换为os

只有将 ostream 变量传递给方法,该方法才知道输出到哪里。您也可以打开文件流并将其传递给该方法。然后,输出将写入文件而不是标准输出。

ostream 参数为您提供了更大的灵活性,可以确定将输出指向何处。它还允许链接,以便可以在同一语句中输出多个项目:

test t1;
test t2(5);
test t3(-4);
// Write "0 5 -4n" to standard output
cout << t1 << " " << t2 << " " << t3 << endl;
// Write "0 5 -4n" to the file my_file.txt
ofstream ofs("my_file.txt");
ofs << t1 << " " << t2 << " " << t3 << endl;
// Write "0 5 -4n" to oss, which is then written to standard output
ostringstream oss;
oss << t1 << " " << t2 << " " << t3 << endl;
cout << oss.str() << endl;