将 std::list 扩展到 cylic list

Extend std::list to cylic list

本文关键字:list cylic 扩展到 std      更新时间:2023-10-16

我想实现一个基于std::list的循环列表。我想从列表的好处中获利,但添加一个特定功能:它的迭代器运算符++和-应该跳过边缘,操作(插入/擦除)不得使现有的迭代器无效。我处理模板的技能很弱,理解 std 容器对我来说是不可能的行为。因此,我需要你的帮助。到现在为止,我还没有那么:D。抱歉,即使是众多的帖子也无法进一步帮助我。

编辑:经过大量的工作,一个steeep学习曲线,从std::list::iterator继承的失败方法,短期的抑郁和对你的方法的贬低回归(是的,你们都是对的),我终于成功了。 受到您所有贡献的启发,我现在可以发布我上次所做的......约12小时:D基本上是你的建议,但有很好的小操作员。

#pragma once
#include <list>
using std::list;
template<class T>
class cyclic_iterator;

template<class T>
class cyclicList : public list<T>
  typedef cyclic_iterator<T> cyclic_iterator;
  cyclic_iterator cycbegin()
  {// not the purpose, but needed for instanziation
    return cyclic_iterator( *this, this->begin());
  cyclic_iterator cycend()
  {// not the purpose, but needed for instanziation
    return cyclic_iterator( *this, this->end());

template<class T>
class cyclic_iterator
  // To hop over edges need to know the container
  cyclic_iterator(typename list<T>::iterator i)
    : mIter(i){}
  cyclic_iterator(list<T> &c)
    : mContainer(&c){}
  cyclic_iterator(list<T> &c, typename list<T>::iterator i)
    : mContainer(&c), mIter(i){}
  cyclic_iterator<T>& operator=(typename list<T>::iterator i)
  {// assign an interator
    mIter = i;
    return *this;
  cyclic_iterator<T>& operator=(list<T> &c)
  {// assign a container
    mContainer = &c;
    return *this;
  bool operator==(const cyclic_iterator<T>& rVal) const
  {// check for equality
    return (this->mIter == rVal.mIter && this->mContainer == rVal.mContainer) ? true : false;
  bool operator!=(const cyclic_iterator<T>& rVal) const
  {//  check for inequality
    return !(this->operator==(rVal));
  cyclic_iterator<T>& operator++()
  {// preincrement
    if (mIter == mContainer->end())
      { mIter = mContainer->begin(); }
    return *this;
  cyclic_iterator<T> operator++(int)
  { // postincrement
    cyclic_iterator<T> tmp = *this;
    return tmp;
  cyclic_iterator<T>& operator--()
  {// predecrement
    if (mIter == mContainer->begin())
      mIter = --mContainer->end();
    else --mIter;
    return *this;
  cyclic_iterator<T> operator--(int)
  {// postdecrement
    cyclic_iterator<T> tmp = *this;
    return tmp;
  cyclic_iterator<T>& operator+=(int j)
  {// hop j nodes forward
    for (int i = 0; i < j; ++i)
    return *this;
  cyclic_iterator<T>& operator-=(int j)
  {// hop j nodes backwards
    for (int i = 0; i < j; ++i)
    return *this;
  T& operator*()
    return *mIter;
  typename list<T>::iterator & getStdIterator()
    return mIter;
  list<T>*          mContainer;
  typename list<T>::iterator mIter;


#include <iterator>
#include <list>
template <typename T, typename Alloc>
struct cyclic_iterator
: std::iterator<typename std::list<T, Alloc>::iterator::iterator_category, T>
    typedef std::list<T, Alloc> list_type;
    cyclic_iterator & operator++()
        if (iter == container.end()) { iter = container.begin(); }
        return *this;
    T & operator*() { return *iter; }
    cyclic_iterator(typename list_type::iterator it, list_type & l)
    : iter(it)
    , container(l)
        if (it == container.end()) { it = container.begin(); }
    // everything else
    typename list_type::iterator iter;
    list_type & container;


template <typename List>
cyclic_iterator<typename List::value_type, typename List::allocator_type>
make_cyclic_iterator(typename List::iterator it, List & l)
    return cyclic_iterator<typename List::value_type, typename List::allocator_type>(it, l);


// goes round and round forever
for (auto ci = make_cyclic_iterator(mylist.begin(), mylist); ; ++ci)
    std::cout << *ci << std::endl;





使用 std::list 来实现它,但首先你应该在你的类中封装列表,而不是从中派生 其次你必须实现自己的迭代器来实现这一点,但由于循环列表的大小是固定的,我更喜欢具有固定大小和线性内存的容器,如 std::arraystd::vector

    class T,
    class Container = std::vector<T>
class circular_list {
    // Following typedef are required to make your class a container
    typedef typename Container::size_type size_type;
    typedef typename Container::difference_type difference_type;
    typedef typename Container::pointer pointer;
    typedef typename Container::const_pointer const_pointer;
    typedef typename Container::reference reference;
    typedef typename Container::const_reference const_reference;
    typedef typename Container::value_type value_type;
    class iterator : std::iterator<std::bidirectional_iterator_tag, value_type> {
        iterator() : c_(nullptr) {}
        iterator(circular_buffer& c, size_type index)
            : c_( &c.c_ ), index_( index ) {}
        reference operator* () const {
            return (*c_)[index_];
        iterator& operator++ () {
            if( ++index_ >= c_->size() ) index_ = 0;
            return *this;
        iterator& operator-- () {
            if( index_ == 0 ) index_ = c_->size() - 1; else --index_;
            return *this;
        size_type index_;
        Container* c_;
    void push( const_reference val ) {add item to the container}
    reference current() {return current item from the container}
    void pop() {remove item from the container}
    size_type size() const {return c_.size();}
    iterator begin() {return iterator( *this, 0 );}
    iterator end() {return iterator( *this, size() );}
    friend iterator;
    Container c_;