
Compile Time Recursive Sort with Selection Algorithm

本文关键字:递归 排序 编译 算法 选择      更新时间:2023-10-16




// sort in ascending order.
template< int istart, int N, int iend, int iend_min_istart >
inline void sort_asc
float *x
int   min_idx = istart;
float min_val = x[ min_idx ];
#pragma unroll
for( int i=istart+1; i<N; i++ ){
if( x[ i ] < min_val ){
min_idx = i;
min_val = x[ i ];
swap( x[ istart ], x[ min_idx ] );
sort_asc< istart+1, N, iend, iend-(istart+1) >( x );

其中CCD_ 9。如果iend_min_istart < 0,那么递归已经完成,因此我们可以将终止条件写为:

// sort recursion termination condition.
template< int istart, int N, int iend > 
inline void sort_asc< -1 >
float *x
// do nothing.


void d_swap
float &a, 
float &b 
float c = a;
a = b;
b = c;


void main( int argc, char *argv[] )
float x[] = { 3, 4, 9, 2, 7 };   // 5 element array.
sort_asc< 0, 5, 2, 2-0 >( x );   // sort from the 1st till the 3th element.
float x_median = cost[ 2 ];      // the 3th element is the median



// generate a sequence of integers as non-type template arguments
// (a basic meta-programming tool)
template<int... Is> struct seq {};
template<int N, int... Is> struct gen_seq : gen_seq<N-1, N-1, Is...> {};
template<int... Is> struct gen_seq<0, Is...> : seq<Is...> {};

// an array type that can be returned from a function
// and has `constexpr` accessors (as opposed to C++11's `std::array`)
template<class T, int N>
struct c_array
T m[N];
constexpr T const& operator[](int p) const
{  return m[p];  }
constexpr T const* begin() const { return m+0; }
constexpr T const* end() const { return m+N; }

// return the index of the smallest element
template<class T, int Size>
constexpr int c_min_index(c_array<T, Size> const& arr, int offset, int cur)
return Size == offset ? cur :
c_min_index(arr, offset+1, arr[cur] < arr[offset] ? cur : offset);



// copy the array but with the elements at `index0` and `index1` swapped
template<class T, int Size, int... Is>
constexpr c_array<T, Size> c_swap(c_array<T, Size> const& arr,
int index0, int index1, seq<Is...>)
return {{arr[Is == index0 ? index1 : Is == index1 ? index0 : Is]...}};


函数期望Is...是由gen_seq<Size>{}(在其基类中)生成的整数0, 1, 2 .. Size-1的序列。这些整数用于访问数组CCD_ 22的元素。一些像CCD_ 23这样的表达会产生CCD_。在这里,我们通过对当前整数应用条件来交换索引:a[0 == index0 ? index1 : 0 == index1 ? index0 : 0], ..

// the selection sort algorithm
template<class T, int Size>
constexpr c_array<T, Size> c_sel_sort(c_array<T, Size> const& arr, int cur = 0)
return cur == Size ? arr :
c_sel_sort( c_swap(arr, cur, c_min_index(arr, cur, cur),
cur+1 );


#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
int main()
// homework: write a wrapper so that C-style arrays can be passed
//           to an overload of `c_sel_sort` ;)
constexpr c_array<float,10> f = {{4, 7, 9, 0, 6, 2, 3, 8, 1, 5}};
constexpr auto sorted = c_sel_sort(f);
for(auto const& e : sorted) std::cout << e << ", ";


template < class T >
__forceinline void swap
T &a, 
T &b 
T c = a;
a = b;
b = c;
template< int istart, int N, int iend, int iend_min_istart >
class SORT
static __forceinline void sort( float *x, int *idx )
// sort code.
int   min_idx = istart;
float min_val = x[ min_idx ];
for( int i=istart+1; i<N; i++ ){
if( x[ i ] < min_val ){
min_idx = i;
min_val = x[ i ];
swap(   x[ istart ],   x[ min_idx ] );
swap( idx[ istart ], idx[ min_idx ] );
SORT<istart+1, N, iend, iend-(istart+1)>::sort( x, idx );
template< int istart, int N, int iend >
class SORT<istart,N,iend,-1>
static __forceinline void sort( float *x, int *idx )
void main( int argc, char *argv[] )
float arr[] = {1,4,2,7,5};
int   idx[] = {0,1,2,3,4};
SORT<0,5,3,2-0>::sort( arr, idx );