是否隐式删除了 ifsteam 的移动构造函数

Is the move constructor of ifsteam implicitly deleted?

本文关键字:移动 构造函数 ifsteam 删除 是否      更新时间:2023-10-16


class Source
    Source() = default;
    Source(Source const&) = delete;
    Source(Source&&) = default;
    explicit Source(std::string const& fileName)
     : inputStream(fileName), path_(fileName)
    ~Source() = default;
    auto path() const -> std::string
        return this->path_;
    std::ifstream inputStream;
    std::string path_;
auto main(int argc, char* argv[]) -> int
    Source source(Source("test.txt"));
    cout << source.path() << "n";
    return 0;

根据 cppreference ifstream有一个move构造函数,但是当我尝试使用 MinGW 4.7.2 编译它时,我收到以下错误:

..\src\main.cpp:32:46:错误:使用已删除的功能 'cy::Source::Source(cy::Source&&)' 在包含自的文件中 ..\src\main.cpp:10:0: source.hpp:28:5: 注意: "cy::Source::Source(cy::Source&&)"被隐式删除,因为 默认定义格式不正确:源.hpp:28:5:错误:使用 删除函数 'std::basic_ifstream::basic_ifstream(const 标准::basic_ifstream&)' C:\mingw\bin../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.7.2/include/c++/fstream:420:11: 注意:"std::basic_ifstream::basic_ifstream(const std::basic_ifstream&)' 被隐式删除,因为默认值 定义格式不正确: C:\mingw\bin../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.7.2/include/c++/fstream:420:11: 错误:使用已删除的功能 'std::basic_istream::basic_istream(const 标准::basic_istream&)'

我做错了什么吗?还是 cpp偏好的文档不准确?还是 GCC 4.7.2 有错误?

事实证明,GCC 的标准库实现尚未实现流类的移动和交换操作。有关 gcc 标准库中 C++11 要素的当前状态的详细信息,请参阅此处。



#include <memory>

template <typename T>
class swap_wrapper
    //! internal buffer to hold object (on heap)
    std::unique_ptr<T> p_obj;
    //! allows any of objects constructors to be called directly
    template <typename... Args>
    explicit swap_wrapper(Args&&... args)
        :   p_obj(
                     new T( std::forward<Args>(args)... )
                     ) {    }
    //! swaps pointer value of T object is unchanged therefore this 
    //! function puts no requirement on base class.
    //! note p_obj is left as a nullptr so dereferencing will cause
    //! undefined behaviour.
    swap_wrapper (swap_wrapper &&other) noexcept
        : p_obj(nullptr)
    //! swaps pointer like above,
    //! T object is not touched; just the pointer.
    swap_wrapper &operator = (swap_wrapper &&other) noexcept
        return *this;
    //! uses swap member function of std:unique_ptr
    void swap(swap_wrapper &other) noexcept
        std::swap(p_obj, other.p_obj);
    //! operators to allow access to stream
    T& operator *() { return *p_obj; }
    T const& operator *() const { return *p_obj; }
    T * operator ->() { return p_obj.get(); }
    T const * operator ->() const { return p_obj.get(); }

//! overload of default swap (calls member function swap)
template <typename S>
inline void swap(swap_wrapper<S> &one, swap_wrapper<S> &two) noexcept
{ one.swap(two); }
