
Comparison of C and C++ file read performance

本文关键字:性能 比较 读取 文件 C++      更新时间:2023-10-16

我最近需要逐行读取一个不太重要的文件,为了提高性能,我决定遵循我得到的一些建议,即fstream s比C风格的I/O慢得多。然而,尽管我尽了最大的努力,我还是没能再现同样的戏剧性差异(~25%,这是很大的,但并不疯狂)。我还试用了fscanf,发现它慢了一个幅度。


以下是我的代码(使用TDM GCC 5.1.0编译):

struct file
    file(const char* str, const char* mode)
        : fp(fopen(str, mode)){}
    FILE* fp;
constexpr size_t bufsize = 256;
auto readWord(int pos, char*& word, char* const buf)
    for(; buf[pos] != 'n'; ++word, ++pos)
        if(pos == bufsize)
            return 0;
        *word = buf[pos];
    *word = '';
    return pos + 1;
void readFileC()
    file in{"inC.txt", "r"};
    char buf[bufsize];
    char word[40];
    char* pw = word;
    int sz = fread(buf, 1, bufsize, in.fp);
    for(; sz == bufsize; sz = fread(buf, 1, bufsize, in.fp))
        for(auto nextPos = readWord(0, pw, buf); (nextPos = readWord(nextPos, pw, buf));)
            //use word here
            pw = word;
    for(auto nextPos = readWord(0, pw, buf); nextPos < sz; nextPos = readWord(nextPos, pw, buf))
        //use word here
        pw = word;
void readFileCline()
    file in{"inCline.txt", "r"};
    char word[40];
    while(fscanf(in.fp, "%s", word) != EOF);
        //use word here
void readFileCpp()
    ifstream in{"inCpp.txt"};
    string word;
    while(getline(in, word));
        //use word here
int main()
    static constexpr int runs = 1;
    auto countC = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < runs; ++i)
        auto start = steady_clock::now();
        auto dur = steady_clock::now() - start;
        countC += duration_cast<milliseconds>(dur).count();
    cout << "countC: " << countC << endl;
    auto countCline = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < runs; ++i)
        auto start = steady_clock::now();
        auto dur = steady_clock::now() - start;
        countCline += duration_cast<milliseconds>(dur).count();
    cout << "countCline: " << countCline << endl;
    auto countCpp = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < runs; ++i)
        auto start = steady_clock::now();
        auto dur = steady_clock::now() - start;
        countCpp += duration_cast<milliseconds>(dur).count();
    cout << "countCpp: " << countCpp << endl;


countC: 7
countCline: 61
countCpp: 9

