
Regarding Structs and Using Them With Array's

本文关键字:数组 一起 于结构 结构      更新时间:2023-10-16



A009 Strawberries_Case 0 12.50 8
4028 STRAWBERRIES_PINT 0 0.99 104
4383 MINNEOLAS 1 0.79 187.3
4261 Rice_1_LB_Bag 0 0.49 107


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
struct Product
   string PLU;
   string name;
   int salesType;
   double unitPrice/*rice per pound*/;
   double inventory;
struct ItemSold
   string PLU;
   string name;
   double cost;
Product *inventoryLevels = new Product[100];
ItemSold *itemsSold = new ItemSold[100];
bool readInventory(string filename, int &numberOfItems);
double checkout(int inventoryLength);
double price(string PLU, double units);
int typeCheck(string PLU, int inventoryLength);
string nameCheck(string PLU, int inventoryLength);

int main()
   int numberOfItems = 0;
   string filename = "products.txt";
   int total;
   if (readInventory(filename, numberOfItems))
      cout << "Inventory file has errors, please make changes before continuing" << endl << endl;

   total = checkout(numberOfItems);
   cout << total;


double checkout(int inventoryLength)
{  // Function that will be used to perform the checkout by the user

   string PLU = "1";
   double units/*pounds*/;
   int salesType;
   int counter = 0;
   int temp;
   double total = 0;
   while (PLU != "0")
      cout << "Enter a PLU: ";
      cin >> PLU;
      itemsSold[counter].PLU = PLU;
      if (PLU == "0")
         // do nothing
         itemsSold[counter].name = nameCheck(PLU, inventoryLength);
         if (typeCheck(PLU, inventoryLength) == 0)
            cout << " Enter the number of units being bought: ";
            cin >> units;
            while (units > inventoryLevels[counter].inventory)
               cout << "You have entered in more units than we have on hand n Please reduce the number of units being boughtn";
               cout << " Enter the number of units being bought: ";
               cin >> units;
            itemsSold[counter].cost = price(PLU, units);
            inventoryLevels[counter].inventory -= units;

            cout << "Enter the number of pounds of the item being bought: ";
            cin >> units;
            itemsSold[counter].cost = price(PLU, units);
            while (units > inventoryLevels[counter].inventory)
               cout << "You have entered in more pounds than we have on hand n Please reduce the number of pounds being boughtn";
               cout << "Enter the number of pounds of the item being bought: ";
               cin >> units;
            inventoryLevels[counter].inventory -= units;

   temp = counter;
   while (temp >= 0)
      total += itemsSold[temp].cost;

   return total;

string nameCheck(string PLU, int inventoryLength)
   for (int k = 0; k < inventoryLength; k++)
      if (inventoryLevels[k].PLU == PLU)
         return inventoryLevels[k].name;
   return "We are currently out of stock of this item.";
int typeCheck(string PLU, int inventoryLength)
   for (int k = 0; k < inventoryLength ; k++)
      if (inventoryLevels[k].PLU == PLU)
         return inventoryLevels[k].salesType;

double price(string PLU, double units)
{ // 
   double price;
   for (int k = 0; k < 100; k++)
      if (inventoryLevels[k].PLU == PLU)
        price = units * (inventoryLevels[k].unitPrice);
        return price;

bool readInventory(string filename, int &numberOfItems)
   // File object
   fstream inventory;
   // Some temp variable used to validate information is still in file while it is being transfered to array
   //string temp;
   // Open the inventory file

   // Will temporarily hold the properties of an item until loaded onto the array
   Product temp;

   // Counter will allow for a new item to be stored onto the next available location in the array
   int counter = 0;

   // Will demonstrate whether or not there is an error
   int error = 0;
   // Store items and their properties in the global array
   while (inventory >> temp.PLU >> temp.name >> temp.salesType >> temp.unitPrice >> temp.inventory)
      // Checks to see if they 

      if ((temp.PLU.at(0) > 57) || (temp.PLU.at(1) > 57) || (temp.PLU.at(2) > 57) || (temp.PLU.at(3) > 57))
         inventoryLevels[numberOfItems].PLU = temp.PLU;
         inventoryLevels[numberOfItems].name = temp.name;
         inventoryLevels[numberOfItems].salesType = temp.salesType;
         inventoryLevels[numberOfItems].unitPrice = temp.unitPrice;
         inventoryLevels[numberOfItems].inventory = temp.inventory;

   // If there is no error return true
   if (error == 0)
      return false;
   // If there is an error return false
   else if (error > 0)
      return true;


while (inventory >> temp.PLU >> temp.name >> temp.salesType >> temp.unitPrice >> temp.inventory)

