按引用传递 - C++:合并排序 问题:超出范围

pass by reference - C++: Mergesort Issue: going out of scope?

本文关键字:范围 问题 合并 C++ 按引用传递 排序      更新时间:2023-10-16



breaking down the sorting into pairs concursively until we are comparing only two values
The two integers parameters denotes indices for beginning and ending values in vector
Merge sort inclusive of both left and right range
#include <vector> // for using vectors in c++
void merge(std::vector<int>& inputv, int beg_i, int end_i)
    int d = beg_i;  // used as an index
    int e = beg_i + (end_i - beg_i)/2 + 1;  // used as an index
    int y = beg_i + (end_i - beg_i)/2;     // used as a check against d
    int z = end_i;  // used as a check against e
    std::vector<int> tempvect(inputv.size());
    for (int c = beg_i; c < z+1; c++)
        if (e > z && d > y)
            // do nothing
        else if (e > z)
            tempvect[c] = inputv[d];
        else if (d > y)
            tempvect[c] = inputv[e];
        else if(inputv[d] > inputv[e])
            tempvect[c] = inputv[e];
        else if(inputv[d] <= inputv[e])
            tempvect[c] = inputv[d];
    for (int i = beg_i; i < end_i+1; i++)
        inputv[i] = tempvect[i];
void mergesort(std::vector<int> inputvector, int beg_i, int end_i)
    if(end_i - beg_i == 0) 
        // do nothing
    if(end_i - beg_i >= 1)
        int mid_i = beg_i + (end_i - beg_i)/2;
        mergesort(inputvector,beg_i,mid_i); // reclusive to last card
        mergesort(inputvector,mid_i+1,end_i);   // resulsive to last card
        merge(inputvector,beg_i,end_i); // actual implementation to sort and merge the vectors

如果要模仿在突出显示的线程中看到的代码,请注意代码使用指针。 使用指针的函数基本上是在更改指针指向的内容。


void mergesort(std::vector<int>& inputvector, int beg_i, int end_i)

必须通过引用传递向量。 您没有看到结果的原因是,按值传递会创建一个本地临时副本,当函数返回时,临时副本会消失。 你不希望这样 - 你希望结果被定向到你传入的向量,而不是一个临时副本,所以通过引用传递向量。


void merge(std::vector<int>& inputv, int beg_i, int end_i)


void mergesort(std::vector<int>& inputvector, int beg_i, int end_i)
