
Iterator woes with C++ strings

本文关键字:问题 迭代器 字符串 C++      更新时间:2023-10-16


*(point++) = *marker;


void clean_entry( const string& j, string& k )
    string::iterator point = k.begin();
    bool checker = false;
    //cycle through the constant string and check for numbers and letters
    for(string::const_iterator marker = j.cbegin(); marker!=j.cend(); ++marker)
        if( isalnum(*marker) == true )
           *(point++) = *marker; //copy to the new k string if alphanum, and increment iterator
            cout << "I found a real letter!" << endl; //debugging
            checker = true;
        else if( checker == true )
    cout << "So far we have " << k << endl; //debugging
    if (checker == false )
        k = "(empty word)";
    cout << "The new string is " << k << " apparently." << endl; //debugging
  1. isalnum不返回bool。返回int。保证是,如果字符是字母数字,则返回非零,否则返回零。这意味着您无法将返回值与true进行比较,因为在进行比较之前,该比较会导致true转换为int,从而生成1。。if(isalnum(*marker))既是惯用语,也是实际有效的

    类似地,if( checker == true )是膨胀的并且应该是if(checker),并且if (checker == false )应该是if(!checker)

  2. 您的接口是有问题的,因为调用者必须确保k的大小足够大,以容纳生成的字符串。最好清除k,然后使用push_back()或类似程序,而不是迭代器

假设k.size()足够大,那么*(point++) = *marker;没有什么问题。