
Optimizing RGB565 to RGB888 conversions with SSE2

本文关键字:RGB888 转换 RGB565 SSE2 优化 使用      更新时间:2023-10-16


col8 = col5 << 3 | col5 >> 2
col8 = col6 << 2 | col6 >> 4

我取两个2x565 128位矢量,输出3x888 128位矢量。


    BR: BR7-BR6-...-BR1-BR0
    0G: 0G7-0G7-...-0G1-0G0
  OUT1: R5-BGR4-...-BGR1-BGR0


  • 它是小endian



 // pmul method to replicate bits.
// Math to replicate bits:
// (v << 8) | (v << 3)
// v * 256 + v * 8
// v * (256 + 8)
// G shift of 5 is incorporated, so shift is 5 + 8 and 5 + 3
// 20 instructions.
void RGB565ToARGBRow_SSE2(const uint8* src_rgb565, uint8* dst_argb,
                          int width) {
  __asm {
    mov       eax, 0x01080108  // generate multiplier to repeat 5 bits
    movd      xmm5, eax
    pshufd    xmm5, xmm5, 0
    mov       eax, 0x20802080  // multiplier shift by 5 and then repeat 6 bits
    movd      xmm6, eax
    pshufd    xmm6, xmm6, 0
    pcmpeqb   xmm3, xmm3       // generate mask 0xf800f800 for Red
    psllw     xmm3, 11
    pcmpeqb   xmm4, xmm4       // generate mask 0x07e007e0 for Green
    psllw     xmm4, 10
    psrlw     xmm4, 5
    pcmpeqb   xmm7, xmm7       // generate mask 0xff00ff00 for Alpha
    psllw     xmm7, 8
    mov       eax, [esp + 4]   // src_rgb565
    mov       edx, [esp + 8]   // dst_argb
    mov       ecx, [esp + 12]  // width
    sub       edx, eax
    sub       edx, eax
    movdqu    xmm0, [eax]   // fetch 8 pixels of bgr565
    movdqa    xmm1, xmm0
    movdqa    xmm2, xmm0
    pand      xmm1, xmm3    // R in upper 5 bits
    psllw     xmm2, 11      // B in upper 5 bits
    pmulhuw   xmm1, xmm5    // * (256 + 8)
    pmulhuw   xmm2, xmm5    // * (256 + 8)
    psllw     xmm1, 8
    por       xmm1, xmm2    // RB
    pand      xmm0, xmm4    // G in middle 6 bits
    pmulhuw   xmm0, xmm6    // << 5 * (256 + 4)
    por       xmm0, xmm7    // AG
    movdqa    xmm2, xmm1
    punpcklbw xmm1, xmm0
    punpckhbw xmm2, xmm0
    movdqu    [eax * 2 + edx], xmm1  // store 4 pixels of ARGB
    movdqu    [eax * 2 + edx + 16], xmm2  // store next 4 pixels of ARGB
    lea       eax, [eax + 16]
    sub       ecx, 8
    jg        convertloop