
Why wont my program identify prime numbers?

本文关键字:识别 不能 我的 程序 为什么      更新时间:2023-10-16


#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std ;
void initializeNumbers ( char number[], int ARRAY_SIZE )
    number[0]  =  'I' ; // 'I' means Ignore
    number[1]  =  'I' ;
    for ( int i = 2 ; i < ARRAY_SIZE ; i ++ )
        number[i]  =  'U' ;
    /*  --------------------------------------------------------
        Function indexOfLeastU returns the least index such that
        the character stored at that index is 'U', with the
        exception that -1 is returned if no array element has
        value 'U'.
        -------------------------------------------------------- */
    int indexOfLeastU ( char number[], int ARRAY_SIZE )
        for ( int i = 0 ; i < ARRAY_SIZE ; i ++ )
            if ( number[i] == 'U' )
                return  i ;
        return  -1 ;
    } // end indexOfLeastU function
    /*  --------------------------------------------------------
        Function identifyPrimes identifies which numbers are
        prime by placing 'P's at those indices.
        Composite #'s are marked with 'C's.
        -------------------------------------------------------- */
    void  identifyPrimes ( char number[], int ARRAY_SIZE )
        int  leastU  =  indexOfLeastU ( number, ARRAY_SIZE ) ;
        while ( leastU >= 0 )
                number [leastU]  =  'P' ; // 'P' for Prime
                // mark multiples as Composite ...
                for ( int i = (2 * leastU) ; i < ARRAY_SIZE ; i += leastU)
                    number [leastU]  =  'C' ; // 'C' for Composite
                leastU  =  indexOfLeastU ( number, ARRAY_SIZE ) ;
            } // end while loop
    } // end identifyPrimes function
    /*  --------------------------------------------------------
        Function printPrimes prints those array indices whose
        corresponding elements have the value 'P'.
        -------------------------------------------------------- */
    void printPrimes ( char number[], int ARRAY_SIZE )
        // print the indices at which a 'P' is stored ...
        cout << "nThe prime numbers up to 1000 are:nn" ;
        for ( int i = 0 ; i < ARRAY_SIZE ; i ++ )
            if ( number[i] == 'P' )
                cout << i << 't' ;
        cout << endl << endl ;
    } // end printPrimes function
    int main ( )
        // declare & initialize constants ...
        const int  MAX_NUMBER  =  1000 ;
        const int  ARRAY_SIZE  =  MAX_NUMBER + 1 ;
        // declare array ...
        char  number [ ARRAY_SIZE ]  =  { '' } ;
        initializeNumbers ( number, ARRAY_SIZE ) ;
        identifyPrimes ( number, ARRAY_SIZE ) ;
        printPrimes ( number, ARRAY_SIZE ) ;
    } // end main function


    // mark multiples as Composite ...
    for ( int i = (2 * leastU) ; i < ARRAY_SIZE ; i += leastU)
        number [leastU]  =  'C' ; // 'C' for Composite


        number[i] = 'C';


for ( int i = (2 * leastU) ; i < ARRAY_SIZE ; i += leastU)
    number [leastU]  =  'C'


number[i] = 'C';




for ( int i = (2 * leastU) ; i < ARRAY_SIZE ; i += leastU)
                number [leastU]  =  'C' ; // 'C' for Composite
