实例化新对象 - 错误

Instantiating a new object - error

本文关键字:错误 对象 新对象 实例化      更新时间:2023-10-16
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Vehicle{
    string type;
    int wheels;
    bool engine; // number of engines in vehicle
   Vehicle(string t, int w,bool e):
        type(t), wheels(w), engine(e){};
    void setType(string t) {type = t;}
    void setWheels(int w) {wheels = w;}
    void setEngine(int e) {engine = e;} // number of engines, 0 - False.
    string getType(){return type;}
    int getWheels() {return wheels;}
    bool getEngine() {cout << "1 - Has Engine | 0 - No Engine"; return engine;}

class Auto:public Vehicle {
    string brand;
    int year;
    Auto(string t, int w, bool e, string b, int y):
        Vehicle(t,w,e), brand(b),year(y) {};
    void setBrand(string b) {brand = b;}
    void setYear(int y) {year = y;}
    string getBrand() {return brand;}
    int getYear() {return year;}
int main()
    // This first segment of the program demonstrates the relationship
   // between the base class and derived class through the use of
  // a constructor.
Auto Spider360("Car",4,2,"Ferrari",2000);
cout << "Car type: " << Spider360.getType() << endl;
cout << "Number of wheels: " << Spider360.getWheels() << endl;
cout << " Has Engine: " << Spider360.getEngine() << "n";
cout << "Brand: " << Spider360.getBrand() << endl;
cout << "Year: " << Spider360.getYear() << "nn";
// Now I use member functions directly to assign values to an object
Auto SuperAmerica;
return 0;



"No matching function call for Auto::Auto()"

表示您无法以所需的方式实例化类。如果要创建对象,然后稍后使用 setter 初始化其成员,请使用默认构造函数。