
Solving leaky memory and syntax issues in a simple hash table

本文关键字:泄漏 语法 问题 内存 解决 简单 哈希表      更新时间:2023-10-16


#include <iostream>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <exception>
using namespace std;
int hashU(string in/*, int M*/){            //hThe hash function that utilizes a smal pseusorandom number
    char *v = new char[in.size() + 1];      //generator to return an number between 0 and 50. (I arbitrarily chose 50 as the upper limit)
    copy(in.begin(), in.end(), v);          //First the input string is turned into a char* for use in the the function.
    v[in.size()] = '';
    int h, a = 31415, b = 27183;
        h = (a*h + *v)%50;
    delete[] v;                             //Delete the char* to prevent leaky memory.
    return (h<0) ? (h+50) : h;              //Return number
struct hashNode{                            //The node that will store the key and the values
    string key;
    float val;
    struct hashNode *next;
struct hashLink{                            //The linked list that will store additional keys and values should there be a collision.
    struct hashNode *start;                 //Start pointer
    struct hashNode *tail;                  //Tail pointer
    hashLink(){                             //hashLink constructor
    void push(string key, float val);       //Function to push values to stack. Used if there is a collision.
void hashLink::push(string key, float val){ 
    struct hashNode *ptr;
    ptr = new hashNode;
    ptr->key = key;
    ptr->val = val;
    ptr->next = NULL;
    if(start != NULL){
        ptr->next = tail;
    tail = ptr;
struct hashTable{                           //The "hash table." Creates an array of Linked Lists that are indexed by the values returned by the hash function.
    hashLink hash[50];
    hashTable(){                            //Constructor
    void emplace(string in, float val);     //Function to insert a new key and value into the table.
    float fetch(string in);                 //Function to retrieve a stored key.
void hashTable::emplace(string in, float val){
    int i = hashU(in);                      //Retrieve index of key from hash function.
    hashNode *trav;                         //Create node traveler
    trav = hash[i].start;                   //Set the traveler to the start of the desired linked list
    while(trav!=hash[i].tail){              //Traverse the list searching to see if the input key already exists
        if(trav->key.compare(in)==0){       //If the input key already exists, its associated value is updated, and the function returns.
            trav->val = val;
        else                                //Travler moves to next node if the input key in not found.
            trav = trav->next;
    hash[i].push(in,val);                   //If the traveler does not see the input key, the request key must not exist and must be created by pushing the input key and associated value to the stack.
float hashTable::fetch(string in){          
    int i = hashU(in);                      //Retrieve index of key
    hashNode *trav;                         //Create node traveler and set it to the start of the appropriate list.
    trav = hash[i].start;
    while(trav!=hash[i].tail){              //Traverse the linked list searching for the requested key.
        if(trav->key.compare(in)==0){       //If the the requested key is found, return the associated value.
            return trav->val;
            trav = trav->next;              //If not found in the current node, move to the next.
    return false;                           //If the requested key is not found, return false.
int main(){
    hashTable vars;                         //initialize the hash table
    float num = 5.23;                       //create test variable
    return 0;

问题是,当您调用 delete[] v 时,您已经v高级,以至于它指向字符串末尾的0,这是要删除的错误地址。

此外,您浪费了大量代码,不必要地将字符串复制到已经作为 c 字符串提供的位置。

unsigned int hashU(string in/*, int M*/) {
    const char* v = in.c_str();
    unsigned int h, a = 31415, b = 27183;
        h = (a*h + *v);
    return h % 50;
    h = (a*h + *v)%50;
delete[] v;                             //Delete the char* to prevent leaky 

您正在递增 v,然后删除无效的内存位置。