writing big tiff pictures

writing big tiff pictures

本文关键字:pictures tiff big writing      更新时间:2023-10-16

我正在使用bigtif库编写大tiff文件。我使用简单的调用"TIFFWriteScanline"来写入tiff,它正确地写入数据,直到文件大小超过3,4 GB,并且写入过程变得非常慢,但正确写入tiff)。我想要一种方法来解决它,因为它会导致我的应用程序速度瓶颈。我可以在 libtiff 中解决此问题,或者我必须切换到另一个像 gdal 这样的库吗,..?

gdal 可以以良好的速度写入巨大的 tiff 文件(超过 4GB)吗?


GDAL 可以编写非常大的 BigTIFF。您需要使用 BigTIFF 支持构建 GDAL。

如果要从 GDAL 外部构建 libTIFF,则需要使用 libTIFF 版本 4 或更高版本。

需要将一组选项传递给 GDAL 以编写 BigTIFF,请参阅:




  • NUM_THREADS=number_of_threads/ALL_CPUS:(来自 GDAL 2.1)通过指定工作线程数来启用多线程压缩。值得缓慢按压,如放气或LZMA。对于 JPEG,将被忽略。默认值为主线程中的压缩。

如果您自己编写 BigTIFF,那么当您打开 TIFF 文件进行写入时,您需要将"8"(作为 ASCII)作为模式字符串的一部分传递给 TIFFOpen 调用。

tif_open.c 中的文档指出了有效的选项:

 * Process library-specific flags in the open mode string.
 * The following flags may be used to control intrinsic library
 * behaviour that may or may not be desirable (usually for
 * compatibility with some application that claims to support
 * TIFF but only supports some brain dead idea of what the
 * vendor thinks TIFF is):
 * 'l' use little-endian byte order for creating a file
 * 'b' use big-endian byte order for creating a file
 * 'L' read/write information using LSB2MSB bit order
 * 'B' read/write information using MSB2LSB bit order
 * 'H' read/write information using host bit order
 * 'M' enable use of memory-mapped files when supported
 * 'm' disable use of memory-mapped files
 * 'C' enable strip chopping support when reading
 * 'c' disable strip chopping support
 * 'h' read TIFF header only, do not load the first IFD
 * '4' ClassicTIFF for creating a file (default)
 * '8' BigTIFF for creating a file
 * The use of the 'l' and 'b' flags is strongly discouraged.
 * These flags are provided solely because numerous vendors,
 * typically on the PC, do not correctly support TIFF; they
 * only support the Intel little-endian byte order.  This
 * support is not configured by default because it supports
 * the violation of the TIFF spec that says that readers *MUST*
 * support both byte orders.  It is strongly recommended that
 * you not use this feature except to deal with busted apps
 * that write invalid TIFF.  And even in those cases you should
 * bang on the vendors to fix their software.
 * The 'L', 'B', and 'H' flags are intended for applications
 * that can optimize operations on data by using a particular
 * bit order.  By default the library returns data in MSB2LSB
 * bit order for compatibility with older versions of this
 * library.  Returning data in the bit order of the native CPU
 * makes the most sense but also requires applications to check
 * the value of the FillOrder tag; something they probably do
 * not do right now.
 * The 'M' and 'm' flags are provided because some virtual memory
 * systems exhibit poor behaviour when large images are mapped.
 * These options permit clients to control the use of memory-mapped
 * files on a per-file basis.
 * The 'C' and 'c' flags are provided because the library support
 * for chopping up large strips into multiple smaller strips is not
 * application-transparent and as such can cause problems.  The 'c'
 * option permits applications that only want to look at the tags,
 * for example, to get the unadulterated TIFF tag information.

确保将 tiff 写成条带或瓷砖。我更喜欢瓷砖。使用 GDAL 时也是如此。对于 BigTIFF 图像,您必须将图像处理为平铺或条带。

编辑 18:19 24/7/2017


到目前为止,我创建的最大图像仅略低于4GB。我刚刚将最高分辨率图像的大小翻了两番(达到 1638400x1638400 像素 RGBA,LZW 压缩)。到目前为止,一个小时过去了,我只生成了该层的 5%(在"MSI GP727RD Leopard"上,发布版本)。


我部分使用 GDAL 从坐标系 WKT 创建 GeoTIFF 标签(必须将其从驱动程序中破解)。


32位进程中的内存使用量非常低。我的进程正在使用 ~60Mb 的内存。

下面是一个使用 LibTIFF 库编写 bigTIFF 的好例子:

TIFF *tif = TIFFOpen(fileName, "w8");
