
QuickSort acting funny

本文关键字:快速排序      更新时间:2023-10-16

我有一个包含字符串(单词)向量的类单词列表。向量长 88994,我正在尝试使用快速排序对其进行排序。当我运行我的代码时,它排序得很好,但有些元素似乎不合适。例如,所有内容都将按字母顺序排列,但有一个单词将不合适......这种情况会发生几次。有什么我没有正确实施的吗?

void WordList::quickSort(int start, int end){
    if( start < end){
        int pivot = partition(start, end);
        quickSort(start, pivot-1);
        quickSort(pivot+1, end);
int WordList::partition(int start, int end){
    int pivot = end;
    int leftList = start-1;
    for(int j = start; j < (end - 1); j++){
        if( LoWords[j].compare(LoWords[pivot]) <= -1){
            string temp = LoWords[leftList];
            LoWords[leftList] = LoWords[j];
            LoWords[j] = temp;
    string anotherTemp = LoWords[leftList+1];
    LoWords[leftList+1] = LoWords[end];
    LoWords[end] = anotherTemp;
    return leftList+1;


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
using std::vector;
using std::string;
// I don't have your class, so I'll use a global variable to keep your signature
vector<string> words{
    "mouse", "APU", "CPU","mainboard", "SATA", "hard drive", "GPU", "fan", "case"
int partition( int start, int pivot ) {
    int i = start;
    int j = pivot - 1;
    while ( i <= j ) {
        if ( words[j] > words[pivot] ) {
        if ( words[i] <= words[pivot] ) {
        if ( i < j ) {
            // You can use std::swap(words[i],words[j]); from <algorithm> instead
            auto temp = words[i];
            words[i] = words[j];
            words[j] = temp;
    // or std::swap(words[pivot],words[j+1]);
    auto temp = words[pivot];
    words[pivot] = words[j + 1];
    words[j + 1] = temp;
    return j + 1;
void quickSort( int start, int end ) {
    if( start < end) {
        int pivot = partition(start, end);
        quickSort(start, pivot - 1);
        quickSort(pivot + 1, end);
int main() {
    quickSort(0, words.size() - 1);
    for ( auto & i : words )
        std::cout << i << 'n';
    return 0;



for(int j = start; j < (end - 1); j++) { ...

for(int j = start; j < end; j++) {...