我必须依赖编译器 NRVO 吗?

Do I have to rely on compiler NRVO?

本文关键字:NRVO 编译器 依赖      更新时间:2023-10-16



根据名称返回值优化 (NRVO(,以下代码不应立即调用析构函数:

Matrix operator+(const Matrix &m1, const Matrix &m2)
    Matrix sum;
    return sum;

我的问题是我对信任 NRVO 没有信心,因为它取决于编译器。如果我把代码交给其他人,他可能会编译代码,他的编译器会给出不同的结果。


Matrix sum(Matrix &result, const Matrix &m1, const Matrix &m2)


为了解释更多,我假设通过考虑 NRVO,probram 运行如下:

compiler reaches to C=A+B
operator + is called
object sum is created
object sum is calculated as sum of m1 and m2
sum is returned but its destructor is not called
the value of sum is directed to variable C
after function containing variable C reaches end, the destructor of C is called.

虽然不应用 NRVO,但我期望:

compiler reaches to C=A+B
operator + is called
object sum is created
object sum is calculated as sum of m1 and m2
sum is returned and its destructor is called which releases all data allocations
the return value of the operator+ is already destroyed so an invalid data is associated to variable C


这不是问题。对象将被正确复制,或者通过优化消除不必要的复制。如果你的复制 ctor 实现得当,最终结果将是相同的(当然,不太理想的代码除外(。如果对象复制非常昂贵,您可能应该在写入语义上使用 copy,而实际的 Matrix 对象将是堆上创建的真实对象的精简包装器。

不应用 NRVO 时实际会发生什么:

compiler reaches to C=A+B
operator + is called
object sum is created
object sum is calculated as sum of m1 and m2
temporary object of type Matrix created as a copy of object sum
object sum destroyed
temporary assigned to C
