
How can I generate a screenshot when glReadPixels is empty?

本文关键字:何生成 屏幕截图 glReadPixel      更新时间:2023-10-16

我有一个程序,它使用OpenGL(VS2012,freeglut 2.8.1(在窗口中运行。基本上在每个时间步(通过从我的glutIdleFunc钩子调用glutPostRedisplay运行(,我调用自己的draw函数,然后调用glFlush以显示结果。然后我调用我自己的screenShot函数,该函数使用 glReadPixels 函数将像素转储到 tga 文件。



// Grab the OpenGL screen and save it as a .tga //
// Copyright (C) Marius Andra 2001              //
// http://cone3d.gz.ee  EMAIL: cone3d@hot.ee    //
// (modified by me a little)
int screenShot(int const num)
    typedef unsigned char uchar;
    // we will store the image data here
    uchar *pixels;
    // the thingy we use to write files
    FILE * shot;
    // we get the width/height of the screen into this array
    int screenStats[4];
    // get the width/height of the window
    glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, screenStats);
    // generate an array large enough to hold the pixel data 
    // (width*height*bytesPerPixel)
    pixels = new unsigned char[screenStats[2]*screenStats[3]*3];
    // read in the pixel data, TGA's pixels are BGR aligned
    glReadPixels(0, 0, screenStats[2], screenStats[3], 0x80E0, 
    GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels);
    // open the file for writing. If unsucessful, return 1
    std::string filename = kScreenShotFileNamePrefix + Function::Num2Str(num) + ".tga";
    shot=fopen(filename.c_str(), "wb");
    if (shot == NULL)
        return 1;
    // this is the tga header it must be in the beginning of 
    // every (uncompressed) .tga
    uchar TGAheader[12]={0,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
    // the header that is used to get the dimensions of the .tga
    // header[1]*256+header[0] - width
    // header[3]*256+header[2] - height
    // header[4] - bits per pixel
    // header[5] - ?
    uchar header[6]={((int)(screenStats[2]%256)),
    // write out the TGA header
    fwrite(TGAheader, sizeof(uchar), 12, shot);
    // write out the header
    fwrite(header, sizeof(uchar), 6, shot);
    // write the pixels
    fwrite(pixels, sizeof(uchar), 
    screenStats[2]*screenStats[3]*3, shot);
    // close the file
    // free the memory
    delete [] pixels;
    // return success
    return 0;




渲染到 FBO 并使用 glReadPixels() 将图像从该 FBO 而不是前端缓冲区中移出。

