std::out_of_range 在 getline 的内存位置错误

std::out_of_range at memory location error at getline

本文关键字:内存 位置 getline 错误 range out of std      更新时间:2023-10-16

我对 c++ 很陌生,这里有很多代码,所以我会尽力将其压缩到问题区域。 当我尝试使用 getline 获取用户输入时,我会收到此错误。由于我不希望在文件名中使用空格(我制作了文件)我使用 cin <<它工作正常,但在尝试读取文件时遇到了同样的错误。代码如下

// includes here
using namespace std;
//other prototypes here
string getUserDataFromFile(vector<int>&, int&, string);

int main()
    vector<int> numbers;
    int numberOfElements = 0;
    int number = 0;
    int numToFind = 0;
    int numberPosition = -1;
    int useFile = 0;
    string filename = "";
    string fileReadMessage = "";
    string output = "";
    string outFilename = "";

    cout << "Would you like to load the data from a file?(1 for yes 0 for no)";
    cin >> useFile;
    cin.ignore(INT_MAX, 'n');
    //get user data for manual input
    if(useFile == 0)
        //code here for manual input(works fine)...
    //get userdata for file input
        cout << "Please Enter the file path to be opened" << endl;
        //fixed after adding cin.ignore(INT_MAX, 'n'); 
        //see next function for another problem
        getline(cin, filename);
        fileReadMessage = getUserDataFromFile(numbers, numToFind, filename);
    //some code to get data for output

    return 0;

//function to get user data from file
//@param v(vector<int>&) - vector of integers.
//@param numToFind(int&) - the number we are looking for
//@param filename(string) - the filename of the file with data
//@return message(string) - a message containing errors or success.
string getUserDataFromFile(vector<int>& v, int& numToFind, string filename)
    string message = "File Accepted";
    string line = "";
    int numOfElements = 0;
    int count = 0;
    ifstream fileToRead(filename.c_str());
    //using 'cin >>' in main, the program runs till here then breaks
    //if message is a file, extract message from file
    if (fileToRead.is_open())
        while (getline(fileToRead,line))
            //code to do stuff with file contents here
        message = "Unable to open file.";
    return message;


所以我的第一个问题通过添加 cin.ignore(INT_MAX, '' 来解决; 对下一个问题有什么猜测吗? 这是下一个函数中的 if (fileToRead.is_open()) 行




getline(cin, filename);

否则,输入后键入的 ENTER useFile 将被读入filename