
Passing non-thread-safe objects through thread-safe containers

本文关键字:安全 线程 对象      更新时间:2023-10-16

我有一个线程安全对象队列,旨在对在线程链之间移动的工作管道进行建模。在某些情况下,我希望将非线程安全对象(例如,std::vector s或其他STL容器(作为这些工作项的一部分传递。













namespace vmk {
class BlockThread sealed {
    CRITICAL_SECTION* m_pCriticalSection;
    explicit BlockThread( CRITICAL_SECTION& criticalSection );
    BlockThread( const BlockThread& c ); // Not Implemented
    BlockThread& operator=( const BlockThread& c ); // Not Implemented
    // void swap( BlockThread& other ) throw();
}; // BlockThread
} // namespace vmk
#endif // BLOCK_THREAD_H


#include "stdafx.h"
#include "BlockThread.h"
namespace vmk {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// BlockThread()
BlockThread::BlockThread( CRITICAL_SECTION& criticalSection ) {
    m_pCriticalSection = &criticalSection;
    EnterCriticalSection( m_pCriticalSection );
} // BlockThread
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ~BlockThread()
BlockThread::~BlockThread() {
    LeaveCriticalSection( m_pCriticalSection );
} // ~BlockThread    
} // namespace vmk


namespace vmk {
template <typename T>
class VolatileLocker {
    T*                  m_pObject;
    CRITICAL_SECTION*   m_pCriticalSection;
    VolatileLocker( volatile T& objectToLock, CRITICAL_SECTION& criticalSection );
    T* operator->();
    VolatileLocker( const VolatileLocker& c ); // Not Implemented
    VolatileLocker& operator=( const VolatileLocker& c ); // Not Implemented
}; // VolatileLocker
#include "VolatileLocker.inl"
} // namespace vmk
// reference: http://drdobbs.com/cpp/184403766


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// VolatileLocker()
// Locks A Volatile Variable So That It Can Be Used Across Multiple Threads Safely
template<typename T>
VolatileLocker<T>::VolatileLocker( volatile T& objectToLock, CRITICAL_SECTION& criticalSection ) :
m_pObject( const_cast<T*>( &objectToLock ) ),
m_pCriticalSection( &criticalSection ) {
    EnterCriticalSection( m_pCriticalSection );
} // VolatileLocker
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ~VolatileLocker()
template<typename T>
VolatileLocker<T>::~VolatileLocker() {
    LeaveCriticalSection( m_pCriticalSection );
} // ~VolatileLocker
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// operator->()
// Allow The Locked Object To Be Used Like A Pointer
template <typename T>
T* VolatileLocker<T>::operator->() {
    return m_pObject;
} // operator->

这是一个使用 BlockThread 的类对象 - 此类依赖于此处未显示的其他类,我将只包含此类中使用 BlockThread 对象的部分。


#include "stdafx.h"
#include "AudioManager.h"
#include "AudioBuffer.h"
#include "AudioSource.h"
#include "BlockThread.h"
#include "Logger.h"
namespace vmk {
static AudioManager*        s_pAudioManager = nullptr;
static CRITICAL_SECTION     s_csChangeSources;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AudioManager()
AudioManager::AudioManager() :
Singleton( Singleton::TYPE_AUDIO_MANAGER ) {
    InitializeCriticalSection( &s_csChangeSources );
    if ( !alutInit( NULL, NULL ) ) {
        std::ostringstream strStream;
        strStream << __FUNCTION__ << " ALUT error: " << alutGetErrorString( alutGetError() );
        throw ExceptionHandler( strStream );
    alGetError(); // Clear Errors
    alListenerf( AL_GAIN, 1.0f ); // Master Volume
    alListener3f( AL_POSITION, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
    alListener3f( AL_VELOCITY, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
    float f6Orient[] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f,   // Forward(X, Y, Z)
                         0.0f, 1.0f,  0.0f }; // Up(X,Y,Z)
    alListenerfv( AL_ORIENTATION, f6Orient );
    if ( alGetError() != AL_NO_ERROR ) {
        std::ostringstream strStream;
        strStream << __FUNCTION__ << " Failed to initialize Listener";
        throw ExceptionHandler( strStream );
    s_pAudioManager = this;
} // AudioManager
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ~AudioManager()
AudioManager::~AudioManager() {
    s_pAudioManager = nullptr;
    DeleteCriticalSection( &s_csChangeSources );
} // ~AudioManager
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// get()
AudioManager* const AudioManager::get() {
    if ( nullptr == s_pAudioManager ) {
        throw ExceptionHandler( __FUNCTION__ + std::string( " failed, AudioManager has not been constructed yet" ) );
    return s_pAudioManager;
} // get    
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create A Sound Source Using The Passed In Filename. If The File Is Not
// Already Loaded Into A Memory Buffer, Then A New Buffer Is Created.
void AudioManager::createSource( SoundSource eSoundSource, const std::string& strFilename, bool bAttachToListener ) {
    BlockThread blockThread( s_csChangeSources );
    if ( !isAvailable( eSoundSource ) ) {
    std::shared_ptr<AudioBuffer> pAudioBuffer = nullptr;
    // Check If This File Has Already Been Loaded Into A Buffer
    for ( ListAudioBuffers::iterator itBuffer = m_lAudioBuffers.begin(); itBuffer != m_lAudioBuffers.end(); ++itBuffer ) {
        if ( (*itBuffer)->isThisFile( strFilename ) ) {
            // The Requested File Is Already Loaded Into Memory
            pAudioBuffer = (*itBuffer);
    try {
        if ( nullptr == pAudioBuffer ) {
            // Need To Load The Desired File Into Memory
            pAudioBuffer.reset( new AudioBuffer( strFilename ) );
            // Store The Buffer
            m_lAudioBuffers.push_back( pAudioBuffer );
        // Create New Source Attached To The Desired Audio Buffer
        m_mAudioSources[eSoundSource] = std::shared_ptr<AudioSource>( new AudioSource( eSoundSource, pAudioBuffer, bAttachToListener ) );
    } catch ( ... ) {
        std::ostringstream strStream;
        strStream << __FUNCTION__ << " failed for SoundSource(" << eSoundSource << ")";
        Logger::log( strStream, Logger::TYPE_ERROR );
} // createSource
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Removes Source From Map And If Buffer Is No Longer Needed,
// It Will Also Be Deleted
void AudioManager::deleteSource( SoundSource eSoundSource ) {
    BlockThread blockThread( s_csChangeSources );
    MapAudioSources::iterator it = m_mAudioSources.find( eSoundSource );
    if ( it == m_mAudioSources.end() ) {
        std::ostringstream strStream;
        strStream << __FUNCTION__ << " could not find SoundSource(" << eSoundSource << ")";
        Logger::log( strStream, Logger::TYPE_ERROR );
        return; // Nothing To Delete
    // Get bufferId And Delete Source
    unsigned uBufferId = it->second->getBufferId();
    m_mAudioSources.erase( it );
    // Find Buffer In List
    if ( uBufferId != INVALID_UNSIGNED ) {
        for ( ListAudioBuffers::iterator itBuffer = m_lAudioBuffers.begin(); itBuffer != m_lAudioBuffers.end(); ++itBuffer ) {
            if ( (*itBuffer)->getId() == uBufferId ) {
                if ( (*itBuffer)->getNumberSourcesAttached() < 1 ) {
                    // Buffer No Longer Needed
                    m_lAudioBuffers.erase( itBuffer );
                } // If Buffer Not Needed
            } // If Found Buffer
        } // For All Buffers
    } // If Buffer Is Loaded
} // deleteSource
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// getAudioObject()
AudioObject* AudioManager::getAudioObject( SoundSource eSoundSource ) const {
    BlockThread blockThread( s_csChangeSources );
    MapAudioSources::const_iterator it = m_mAudioSources.find( eSoundSource );
    if ( it != m_mAudioSources.cend() ) {
        return it->second.get();
    std::ostringstream strStream;
    strStream << __FUNCTION__ << " SoundSource(" << eSoundSource << ") has not been found";
    Logger::log( strStream, Logger::TYPE_ERROR );
    return nullptr;
} // getAudioObject

} // namespace vmk

VolatileLocker的使用如下: 注意:我还有一个OpenglThread类对象,这里没有显示,允许OpenGL使用多个线程。


#include "Game.h"
#include "OpenglThread.h"
#include "VolatileLocker.h"
... other class object includes
namespace vmk {
static CRITICAL_SECTION s_criticalSection; 
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Game()
Game::Game() :
Engine( glm::uvec2( 3, 3 ) ),
m_maxSpeechArea( 250, INVALID_UNSIGNED ),
m_eLastSpeechSound( SS_INTRO_SHOT ),
m_eSoundSourceToPlay( SS_INTRO_SHOT ) {
    InitializeCriticalSection( &s_criticalSection );
    const glm::uvec2 gamePixelSize = m_pSettings->getGameSize();
    // (0,0) In Top Left Corner Not Bottom Left Which Is The Default
    m_m4Projection = glm::ortho( 0.0f, static_cast<float>( gamePixelSize.x ), static_cast<float>( gamePixelSize.y ), 0.0f, -10.0f, 10.0f );
    // Set Background Color
    glClearColor( 22.0f / 255.0f, 22.0f / 255.0f, 22.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f );
    // Turn Transparencies On
    glEnable( GL_BLEND );
    // Initialize Shaders
    std::string strVertexShader( "Shaders/gui.vert" );
    std::string strFragmentShader( "Shaders/gui.frag" );
    ShaderProgramSettings shaderProgramSettings( P_MAIN, strVertexShader, strFragmentShader );
    shaderProgramSettings.addVariable( ShaderAttribute( A_POSITION,             AT_FLOAT_VEC2 ), "inPosition" );
    shaderProgramSettings.addVariable( ShaderAttribute( A_COLOR,                AT_FLOAT_VEC4 ), "inColor" );
    shaderProgramSettings.addVariable( ShaderAttribute( A_TEXTURE_COORD0,       AT_FLOAT_VEC2 ), "inTextureCoord0" );
    shaderProgramSettings.addVariable( ShaderUniform( U_MVP_MATRIX,             UT_FLOAT_MAT4 ), "modelViewProjectionMatrix" );
    shaderProgramSettings.addVariable( ShaderUniform( U_TEXTURE0_SAMPLER_2D,    UT_SAMPLER_2D ), "texture0Sampler2d" ); 
    shaderProgramSettings.addVariable( ShaderUniform( U_USING_TEXTURE,          UT_BOOL ),       "usingTexture" );  
    shaderProgramSettings.addVariable( ShaderUniform( U_ALPHA,                  UT_FLOAT ),      "inAlpha" );
    m_pShaderManager->create( shaderProgramSettings );
    m_pShaderManager->enable( P_MAIN );
    m_pBatchManager.reset( new BatchManager( 10, 10000 ) );
    // Must Be Called Before Any GuiElements Are Loaded
    // Load Game Logo - Title Screen
    m_pTitleScreen = new GuiScreen( std::string( "TitleScreen" ) );
    TextureFileReader titleTextureFileReader( "Assets/images/titleScreen.png" );
    m_titleTextureInfo =  titleTextureFileReader.getOrCreateTextureInfo( TextureInfo::FILTER_NONE, false, false );
    // Start Worker Thread
    _beginthread( loadAssets, 0, this );
    // Game Logo
    GuiLayoutAbsolute* pTitleCoverLayout = new GuiLayoutAbsolute( glm::ivec2(), Gui::LEFT, m_pSettings->getGameSize(), "title cover" );
    pTitleCoverLayout->setColor( glm::vec4( 0.0862745, 0.0862745, 0.0862745, 1.0 ) );
    m_pTitleScreen->addChild( pTitleCoverLayout );
    m_pTitleLayout = new GuiLayoutAbsolute( glm::ivec2( 0, 200 ), Gui::LEFT, glm::uvec2( 955, 400 ), "title" );
    m_pTitleLayout->setBackgroundImage( m_titleTextureInfo, glm::uvec2( 0, 359 ), glm::uvec2( 955, 400 ) );
    m_pTitleLayout->changePriority( 1 );
    m_pTitleScreen->addChild( m_pTitleLayout );
    // Flying Bullet
    m_pFlyingBulletLayout = new GuiLayoutAbsolute( glm::ivec2( 40, -100 ), "flying bullet" );
    m_pTitleLayout->addChild( m_pFlyingBulletLayout );
    // Intro Sound Effect
    m_pAudioManager->createSource( SS_INTRO_SHOT, "Assets/audio/introShot.ogg" );
    m_pAudioManager->play( SS_INTRO_SHOT );
    // Set Timer For How Long Title Screen Should Be Visible
    m_pAnimationManager->addFunction( 5.0, Animation::LINEAR, splashScreenUpdate, this, splashScreenDone, this );
    int debugLogging = m_pSettings->getDebugLogging() | Settings::DEBUG_RENDER;
    m_pSettings->setDebugLogging( debugLogging );
} // Game
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ~Game()
Game::~Game() { 
    DeleteCriticalSection( &s_criticalSection );
} // ~Game

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// splashScreenDone()
// Defined Outside Of Game But Is Declared As A Friend Function To Game And It Utilizes The VolatileLocker
void splashScreenDone( void* pParameter ) {
    Game* pGame = reinterpret_cast<Game*>( pParameter );
    if ( nullptr == pGame ) {
        throw ExceptionHandler( __FUNCTION__ + std::string( " Invalid pParameter passed in" ) );
    VolatileLocker<GameState>( pGame->m_gameState, s_criticalSection )->timerDone();
    if ( VolatileLocker<GameState>( pGame->m_gameState, s_criticalSection )->is( GameState::PLAYING ) ) {
        pGame->m_pAudioManager->play( SS_CHOOSE_LETTER );
} // splashScreenDone
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// keyboardInput()
// A Member Function Of Game That Utilizes The VolatileLocker
void Game::keyboardInput( unsigned vkCode, bool isPressed ) {
    if ( isPressed || VolatileLocker<GameState>( m_gameState, s_criticalSection )->isSplashScreen() ) {
        // Wait For Splash Screen To Be Finished
        // Only React To Key Release Events
    static unsigned lastKey = 0;
    if ( (VK_ESCAPE == lastKey && VK_ESCAPE == vkCode) ||
        (VK_ESCAPE == vkCode && m_bGameOver) ) {
        // TODO: Show Credits
        quitGame( nullptr, nullptr );
    lastKey = vkCode;
    if ( m_bGameOver ) {
        if ( VK_SPACE == vkCode ) {
    if ( VK_ESCAPE == vkCode ) {
        updateSpeech( "To qui the game, press ESC again.", COLOR_YELLOW );
        speak( SS_QUIT_GAME );
    } else if ( vkCode >= VK_KEYA && vkCode <= VK_KEYZ ) {
        // Play Sound
        m_pAudioManager->play( SS_GUN_SHOT );
        updatePuzzle( static_cast<char>( vkCode ) );
        // Show Gun Fire & Start Timer To Reset Graphics Back To Normal
        showGunFire( true );
        m_pAnimationManager->addTimer( 0.2, resetGunGraphics, this );
    } else {
        updateSpeech( "Choose a letter." );
        speak( SS_CHOOSE_LETTER );
} // keyboardInput
} // namespace vmk

现在我知道 OP 提到了在线程池或队列中工作,但我认为出于安全原因能够锁定线程的整体概念也可以在这里显示。这也可以作为任何可能阅读本文的人的指南。