
Is there a macro or provision to check is the line of code is inside a class?

本文关键字:是否 代码 检查      更新时间:2023-10-16

我的代码中有一个 c 样式宏,用于打印日志。我想更改宏以打印指针。但是,代码的某些部分不是类的成员函数,或者有些是静态函数。所以,在我的宏中,我想检查当前代码行是否在成员函数内。 可能吗?





// The following would go in a header which must be included by all source
// files which use one of the macros, i.e. which want to log errors.
#ifdef DEBUG
#   define INHERIT_LOG() : virtual protected logT
#   define LOG(s) log(s)
    /** ::log which will be called by free-standing functions */
    static void log(const char *err, const void *thisP = nullptr) 
        if(thisP) { fprintf(stderr, "this=%p: %sn", thisP, err); }
        else      { fprintf(stderr, "free func: %sn", err); }
    /** A base class to inherit from when logging is required */
    class logT
    {   // this name "log" will be preferred over ::log 
        // from within all classes which inherit from logT.
        protected: void log(const char *const err){ ::log(err, this); }
//  define the macros to do nothing
#   define INHERIT_LOG()
#   define LOG(s)
////////////// end of log header ///////////////
/** Inherits from logT only when DEBUG is defined */                          
struct T INHERIT_LOG() { void f(); };
void T::f() { LOG("message from T::f"); }// if LOG is expanded to log, calls logT::log
void f()    { LOG("message from ::f"); } // if LOG is expanded to log, calls     ::log 
int main()


$ g++ -std=c++14 -Wall -o log log.cpp && ./log
$ g++ -DDEBUG -std=c++14 -Wall -o log log.cpp && ./log
this=0xffffcc00: message from T::f
free func: message from ::f

AFAIK 这并不容易实现。无法检查变量是否在预处理器中定义。
