
count number of occurence of each substring?

本文关键字:字符串 计算      更新时间:2023-10-16

给定一个字符串 S,我想计算出现 n 次的子字符串的数量(1 <= n <= s.length())。我已经用滚动哈希完成了它,它可以通过使用后缀树来完成。如何使用复杂度 O(n^2) 的后缀数组求解?

就像 s = "ababaab"


n 个字符串编号


1 "a"(子字符串"a"出现 4 次)

3 2 "b", "ab"(子字符串"b"和"ab"出现3次)


2 "ba" , "aba"

1 14 "aa" , "bab" , "baa" , "aab" , "abab" ....

这不是一个获取免费代码的论坛,但由于我在这个 evning 中处于如此良好的状态,我为您写了一个简短的示例。但我不能保证没有错误,这是在 15 分钟内写成的,没有特别的想法。

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <map>
class CountStrings
            const std::string               text;
            std::map <std::string, int>     occurrences;
            void addString ( std::string );
            void findString ( std::string );
            CountStrings ( std::string );
            std::map <std::string, int> count ( );
void CountStrings::addString ( std::string text)
    std::map <std::string, int>::iterator iter;
    iter = ( this -> occurrences ).end ( );
    ( this -> occurrences ).insert ( iter, std::pair <std::string, int> ( text, 1 ));
void CountStrings::findString ( std::string text )
    std::map <std::string, int>::iterator iter;
    if (( iter = ( this -> occurrences ).find ( text )) != ( this -> occurrences ).end ( ))
            iter -> second ++;
            this -> addString ( text );
CountStrings::CountStrings ( std::string _text ) : text ( _text ) { }
std::map <std::string, int> CountStrings::count ( )
    for ( size_t offset = 0x00; offset < (( this -> text ).length ( )); offset ++ )
            for ( size_t length = 0x01; length < (( this -> text ).length ( ) - (  offset - 0x01 )); length ++ )
                    std::string subtext;
                    subtext = ( this -> text ).substr ( offset, length );
                    this -> findString ( subtext );
    return ( this -> occurrences );
int main ( int argc, char **argv )
    std::string text = "ababaab";
    CountStrings cs ( text );
    std::map <std::string, int> result = cs.count ( );
    for ( std::map <std::string, int>::iterator iter = result.begin ( ); iter != result.end ( ); ++ iter )
            std::cout << iter -> second << " " << iter -> first << std::endl;
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
