从 std::function 获取对象上下文

Get object context from std::function

本文关键字:取对象 上下文 获取 function std      更新时间:2023-10-16




std::unordered_multimap<int, std::function<int(int)>> callbacks;
Foo* myFoo = new Foo();
callbacks[1].emplace( std::bind(&Foo::bar, myFoo, std::placeholders::_1) );
callbacks[1].emplace( std::bind(&Foo::bar2, myFoo, std::placeholders::_1) ); // now callbacks contains 2 functions for the same object/context. I want to avoid this
// Check context exists before inserting
auto vCallbacks = callbacks.equal_range(1);
for (auto iter = vCallbacks.first; iter != vCallbacks.second; iter++) {
    std::function<int(int)> func = iter->second;
    // somehow check function object for context myFoo
    if (func.??? == myFoo)
        // Sorry cant add callback because this object already has registered one
