Qt QTreeWidget alternative to IndexFromItem?

Qt QTreeWidget alternative to IndexFromItem?

本文关键字:IndexFromItem to alternative QTreeWidget Qt      更新时间:2023-10-16


// in QtPropertyTree.cpp
QTreeWidgetItem topItem1 = new QTreeWidgetItem(this);    
QTreeWidgetItem subItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(this);
int column1 = 0
int Column2 = 1;
QPushButton myButton = new QPushButton();
this->setIndexWidget(this->indexFromItem(this->subItem,column1), myButton);   
QCheckBox myBox = new QCheckBox();
this->setIndexWidget(this->indexFromItem(this->subItem,column2), myBox);


您可以尝试使用 QTreeWidget 的模型 (QAbstractItemModel) 通过列号和行号获取正确的索引:

// Row value is 1 because I want to take the index of
// the second top level item in the tree.
const int row = 1;
QPushButton myButton = new QPushButton();
QModelIndex idx1 = this->model()->index(row, column1);
this->setIndexWidget(idx1, myButton);   
QCheckBox myBox = new QCheckBox();
QModelIndex idx2 = this->model()->index(row, column2);
this->setIndexWidget(this->indexFromItem(idx2, myBox);



QModelIndex parentIdx = this->model()->index(row, column1);
// Get the index of the first child item of the second top level item.
QModelIndex childIdx = this->model()->index(0, column1, parentIdx);


class QtPropertyTree {
  QModelIndex publicIndexFromItem(QTreeWidgetItem * item, int column = 0) const
    return indexFromItem (item, column) ;
} ;