
seach for a specific node in an RB-tree

本文关键字:节点 RB 搜索      更新时间:2023-10-16





只需按顺序遍历树并计算满足谓词的元素。在这种情况下,谓语应该是"is male"。在二进制搜索树中找到一个元素可以让我们提前结束遍历,这对实现来说不一定是微不足道的,所以这里有一个简单的算法伪代码:

# return value is used to track how many matching nodes must be
# found until the k'th one is reached
int OS-SELECT(node, rank)
  if not node        # leaf reached?
    return rank      # Keep searching.
  rank = OS-SELECT(node.left, rank)
  if not rank        # Node was found in left subtree.
    return 0         # End early.
  if predicate(node) # Test the predicate.
    if not --rank    # The node matches: There are less matches to go through.
      visit(node)    # Rank dropped to 0: Found it. Visit the node and
      return 0       # end early.
  return OS-SELECT(node.right, rank)