
gdb: show typeinfo of some data

本文关键字:类型 信息 数据 显示 GDB      更新时间:2023-10-16


我想在 GDB 中获取它(不修改源代码(。我尝试了print typeid(*this)但它说typeid未知(因为我没有将其包含在源文件中(。


(gdb) ptype 42
type = int

使用 ptypewhatisexplore(我最喜欢的!

其中有一个名为 value 的变量,其定义为:

uint32_t value = 1234;


  1. ptype value显示unsigned int
  2. whatis value显示uint32_t
  3. explore value(我最喜欢的!(显示:
    The value of 'value' is of type 'uint32_t' which is a typedef of type 'unsigned int'
    'value' is a scalar value of type 'unsigned int'.
    value = 1234


(gdb) ptype value
type = unsigned int
(gdb) ptype &value
type = unsigned int *
(gdb) whatis value
type = uint32_t
(gdb) explore value
The value of 'value' is of type 'uint32_t' which is a typedef of type 'unsigned int'
'value' is a scalar value of type 'unsigned int'.
value = 1234


我通过在 gdb 中运行help all发现了explore命令。请参阅我在下面的"参考"部分中的评论。


# download the file "type_punning.c"
# build it with optimization OFF (`-O0`) and debugging symbols ON (`-ggdb`), 
# and output all intermediary files (`-save-temps=obj`), and run it in the 
# gdb debugger (`gdb bin/type_punning`)
mkdir -p bin && gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -O0 -ggdb -std=c11 -save-temps=obj 
type_punning.c -o bin/type_punning && gdb bin/type_punning


# set breakpoint to a line just after `u.value = 1234;`
b type_punning.c:52
# run to that point
# Now run these various commands to see what type `u.value` is:
ptype u.value
whatis u.value 
explore u.value  


eRCaGuy_hello_world/c$ mkdir -p bin && gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -O0 -ggdb -std=c11 -save-temps=obj type_punning.c -o bin/type_punning && gdb bin/type_punning
GNU gdb (Ubuntu 8.1.1-0ubuntu1) 8.1.1
Copyright (C) 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.  Type "show copying"
and "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "x86_64-linux-gnu".
Type "show configuration" for configuration details.
For bug reporting instructions, please see:
Find the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at:
For help, type "help".
Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word"...
Reading symbols from bin/type_punning...done.
(gdb) b type_punning.c:52
Breakpoint 1 at 0x70b: file type_punning.c, line 52.
(gdb) r
Starting program: /home/gabriel/GS/dev/eRCaGuy_hello_world/c/bin/type_punning 
Type punning and ptr-based serialization demo
TECHNIQUE 1: union-based type punning:
Breakpoint 1, main () at type_punning.c:53
53          printf("1st byte = 0x%02Xn", (u.bytes)[0]);
(gdb) ptype u.value
type = unsigned int
(gdb) whatis u.value 
type = uint32_t
(gdb) explore u.value  
The value of 'u.value' is of type 'uint32_t' which is a typedef of type 'unsigned int'
'u.value' is a scalar value of type 'unsigned int'.
u.value = 1234


正如@Star Brilliant在这里所说,这个:

ptype my_var

返回类似 type = unsigned short 的东西,但我希望它返回 type = uint16_t 而不是,这样我在检查内存时可以真正知道它有多少字节。为了获得这种效果,我能想到的最好的事情就是:

print &my_var

它打印(uint16_t *) 0x7ffffffefc2c,从而显示它的指针类型是uint16_t*,这意味着它的类型是uint16_t

我发现这比ptype my_var更有用,但是如果您有任何建议,则需要一种更直接的方式来获得这种效果。

示例 gdb 命令和输出:

(gdb) ptype my_var
type = unsigned short
(gdb) print &my_var
$27 = (uint16_t *) 0x7ffffffefc2c

再次,注意ptype my_var揭示它是一个unsigned short,而print &my_var揭示了更详细和期望的答案,即它是一个uint16_t


  1. @o11c下面的评论
  2. @Star辉煌的答案
  3. help all - 我在运行gdb时使用此命令,将输出全部复制粘贴到文本编辑器中,并搜索"type"以发现explore命令。


  1. 我的答案是如何在 GDB 中像数组一样查看指针?
  2. 我关于如何在 GDB 中使用 printf 以便围绕变量输出编写自定义描述的答案
  3. [我的回答。 "GDB"调试器奇怪地跳过断点
  4. [我的问答]编译器的"-O0"选项和"-Og"选项有什么区别?
  5. [我的问答]
关键字:如何运行 gdb;如何在 gdb

中查看变量类型和值;如何构建和编译 gdb 调试符号

ptype [ARG] 命令将打印类型。

这个问题可能与此相关: 使用 gdb 的多态类C++中的 vtable:

(gdb) help set print object
Set printing of object's derived type based on vtable info. 

它不完全是typeid((,但它应该在检查多态指针时显示真实的对象类型(例如 this在基类中(。当然仅适用于具有 vtable(即至少一个虚拟方法(的类,但typeid也是如此。