
How to embed CUDA Texture Objects in structs?

本文关键字:CUDA 纹理 对象 结构      更新时间:2023-10-16




// Initialize texture description
memset(&textureDescription, 0, sizeof(textureDescription));
textureDescription.readMode = cudaReadModeElementType;
// Create Texture from variable
cudaTextureObject_t texture = 0;
cudaResourceDesc resource;
memset(&resource, 0, sizeof(resource));
resource.resType = cudaResourceTypeLinear;
resource.res.linear.devPtr = intArray;
resource.res.linear.desc.f = cudaChannelFormatKindSigned;
resource.res.linear.desc.x = 32; // bits per channel
resource.res.linear.sizeInBytes = count*sizeof(int);
cudaCreateTextureObject(&texture, resource, &textureDescription, NULL);
// These declarations are in the .h file
typedef struct SampleStructure {
   cudaTextureObject_t texture;
} SampleStructure;
SampleStructure *structureHost;
SampleStructure *structureDevice;
// Create host and device structures
structureHost = (SampleStructure *)malloc(sizeof(SampleStructure));
cudaMalloc(&structureDevice, sizeof(SampleStructure));
// Assign the texture object to the host structure
structureHost->texture = texture;
// Copy the host structure to Global Memory
cudaMemcpy(structureDevice, structureHost, sizeof(SampleStructure), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
// Pass Texture and Texture-embedded-in-structure to kernel
kenerl<<<1,1>>>(texture, structureDevice);
__global__ void
kernel(cudaTextureObject_t texture, SampleStructure *structureDevice) {
    value = tex1Dfetch<int>(texture, index); // Runs successfully at runtime
    value = tex1Dfetch<int>(structureDevice->texture, index); // Crashes at runtime





// Create the Texture Object
cudaResourceDesc resource;
memset(&resource, 0, sizeof(resource));
resource.resType = cudaResourceTypeLinear;
resource.res.linear.devPtr = intArray;
resource.res.linear.desc.f = cudaChannelFormatKindSigned;
resource.res.linear.desc.x = 32; // bits per channel
resource.res.linear.sizeInBytes = count*sizeof(int);
cudaCreateTextureObject(&texture, resource, &textureDescription, NULL);
// These structure declarations are in the .h file
typedef struct SampleStructure {
   cudaTextureObject_t texture;
} SampleStructure;
SampleStructure structureHost;
// Assign the texture object to the host structure
structureHost.texture = texture;
// Pass Texture and Texture-object-embedded-in-structure to kernel
kenerl<<<1,1>>>(texture, structureHost);
__global__ void
kernel(cudaTextureObject_t texture, SampleStructure structureDevice) {
    __shared__ SampleStructure structureSharedMemory;
    // Copy the structure to shared memory for faster access
    if (threadIdx.x == 0)
       structureSharedMemory = structureDevice;
    value = tex1Dfetch<int>(texture, index); // Runs successfully at runtime
    value = tex1Dfetch<int>(structureSharedMemory.texture, index); // Runs successfully at runtime