
how do i append a struct Person in c++

本文关键字:结构体 Person c++      更新时间:2023-10-16

我有一个struct Person

struct Person {
    string name;
    int age;
    Person* next;


using namespace std;
Person* head = nullptr;
void append(Person*& list, const string& name, int age) {
    auto p = new Person{name, age, nullptr}; // typ List_Node*
    if (list == nullptr) {
        list = p;
    auto last = list;
    while (last != nullptr) {
        last = last->next;
    last = p;
int main() {
    append(head, "First_Person", 21);
    append(head, "Second_Person", 22);
    // testing the result
    head = head->next;
    cout << "head->name outside: " << head->name << endl;
    return 0;


head = head->next;


    auto last = list;
    while (last != nullptr){
        last = last->next;
    last = p;

当您退出这个循环时,last将再次指向nullptr,而不是列表的最后一个元素。您需要检查last->next != nullptr

此外,last = p没有做任何有用的事情;它应该是CCD_ 8以便将CCD_。


void append(Person*& list, const string& name, int age)
    auto p = new Person{name, age, nullptr}; // typ List_Node*
    if (list == nullptr)
        list = p;
    auto last = list;
    while (last->next != nullptr)
        last = last->next;
    last->next = p;


Person* head = nullptr;
Person* last = nullptr;
void append(const string& name, int age)
    auto p = new Person{name, age, nullptr};
    if (head == nullptr)
        head = p;
    if (last != nullptr)
        last->next = p;
    last = p;
int main()
    append("First_Person", 21);
    append("Second_Person", 22);
    //testing the result
    for(Person *p = head; p != nullptr; p = p->next)
        std::cout << "name: " << p->name << std::endl;
    // free the list
    Person *p = head;
    while (p != nullptr)
        Person *next = p->next;
        delete p;
        p = next;
    return 0;


#include <list> // or: #include <forward_list>
struct Person
    string name;
    int age;
std::list<Person> mylist; // or: std::forward_list<Person> mylist;
void append(const string& name, int age)
    mylist.push_back(Person{name, age});
int main()
    append("First_Person", 21);
    append("Second_Person", 22);
    //testing the result
    for (auto &person: mylist)
        std::cout << "name: " << person.name << std::endl;
    return 0;





// Already handled empty list case before we get here...
auto last = list;  // last pointer set to address list (head)
while (last != nullptr){    // while not at end of list, last points to next node
    last = last->next;
                   // after loop, last will always be null, not very useful
last = p;          // last points to p (the new node) which doesn't _do_ anything


// Already handled empty list case before we get here...
auto last = list;  // last pointer set to address list (head)
while (last && last->next != nullptr){    // while node->next not null, move to next node
    last = last->next;
                   // at end of list, last will always point to last node
last->next = p;    // link last->next to the new 'p' Person


    tail->next = p;
tail = p;


p->next = head;
head = p;