
Getting enemy vehicle to follow player vehicle C++

本文关键字:C++ 玩家 跟随 方车辆      更新时间:2023-10-16




void EnemySpeedy::playerTracking(float posX, float posY)
    //Direction choosing
    dir.x = posX - pos.x;
    dir.y = posY - pos.y;
    //plus maybe this?
    goalAngle = atan2f(dir.y, dir.x);
    //I think this is the problem code?//
    if (angle < goalAngle) angle -= sfw::getDeltaTime() * angularSpeed;
    else                   angle += sfw::getDeltaTime() * angularSpeed;

    //AI Movement alla adding velocity
    acc = speed;
    vel = vel + (acc - dragVel) * sfw::getDeltaTime();
    vel = std::fmaxf(0, vel);
    vel = std::fminf(vel, maxVel);
    pos = { pos.x + vel * cosf(angle * PI / 180) * sfw::getDeltaTime(),
            pos.y + vel * sinf(angle * PI / 180) * sfw::getDeltaTime() };




#include <cmath>
inline float normAngle ( float ang ) {
    return ang < -M_PI ? ang + 2.0*M_PI : ( ang > M_PI ? ang - 2.0*M_PI : ang);
inline float limitValue ( float x, float min, float max ) {
    return x < min ? min : ( x > max ? max : x );


void EnemySpeedy::playerTracking(float posX, float posY)
    //Direction choosing, pos is a member of EnemySpeedy
    float dirX = posX - pos.x;
    float dirY = posY - pos.y;
    //Angle choosing; angle, angularSpeed and angularSpeedMax are members of EnemySpeedy
    float goalAngle = atan2(dirY, dirX);
    float difAngle = normAngle(angle - goalAngle);
    angularSpeed = limitValue(-difAngle,-angularSpeedMax,angularSpeedMax);
    float dt = sfw::getDeltaTime();
    angle = normAngle(angle + dt * angularSpeed);
    // Update speed; acc, vel, etc. are members of EnemySpeedy class
    // acc = speed;         // it seems odd to me...
    // vel = limitValue(vel + (acc - dragVel) * dt, 0.0, maxVel);
                         // what about:
    acc = (difAngle > 1.5 || difAngle < -1.5) ? -maxAcc/2.0 : maxAcc*(maxVel - vel)/maxVel;
    //          brake if direction is wrong, go to limit velocity otherwise
    acc = limitValue(acc, -maxAcc, maxAcc);
    vel = limitValue(vel + acc * dt, 0.0, maxVel);
    // Update position
    pos.x += vel * cos(angle) * dt;
    pos.y += vel * sin(angle) * dt;