
Continuous Runtime Error

本文关键字:运行时错误 连续      更新时间:2023-10-16


该程序旨在使用筛子找到素数,并为每个数字n 找到最小素数因子


typedef long long ll;
#define MAX 10000000
using namespace std;

bool arr[MAX+1]={false};
int sp[MAX+1]={0};

void Sieve(){
for (int i = 2; i <= MAX; i=i+2)    
{sp[i] = 2;
for (int i = 3; i <= MAX; i=i+2)
    if (arr[i]==false)
        sp[i] = i;
        for (int j = i; (j*i) <= MAX; j=j+2)
            if (arr[j*i]==false)
                arr[j*i] = true;
                sp[j*i] = i;

//inline int scan_d()    {int ip=getchar_unlocked(),ret=0,flag=1;for(;ip<'0'||ip>'9';ip=getchar_unlocked())if(ip=='-'){flag=-1;ip=getchar_unlocked();break;}for(;ip>='0'&&ip<='9';ip=getchar_unlocked())ret=ret*10+ip-'0';return flag*ret;}

int main()

return 0;    

对于一个足够大的i(这里我在i=46349时得到错误),内部循环导致错误:ji(=46349)初始化,然后条件(j*i) <= MAX由于溢出而表现出意外,j*i给出了负结果。解决这一问题的一种方法是限制i的范围(这也提高了性能):

int sqrtMAX=sqrt(MAX);
// write it globally or somewhere before the looping.
// thanks to @Thomas Matthews
for (int i = 3; i <= sqrtMAX/*instead of MAX*/ ; i=i+2)
    if (arr[i]==false)