使用站点的编译代码构建库时,我无法解决C++中的错误 (LNK2001)

I can't resolve an error (LNK2001) in C++ when building a library with compiled code from a site

本文关键字:C++ 解决 LNK2001 错误 编译 站点 代码 构建      更新时间:2023-10-16


BinaryChromosome.obj:错误LNK2001:未解析的外部符号"class Common::GaRandomBool*GaGlobalRandomBool生成器"(?GaGlobalRandom Bool生成器@@3PAVGaRandomBool@Common@@A)



#include "stdafx.h"

#ifndef __GA_RANDOM_H__
#define __GA_RANDOM_H__
#include <time.h>
#include "Platform.h"
#include "Threading.h"
namespace Common
/// <summary>This union is used for conversation from 32-bits long integer random number
/// to single precision floating point number in interval (0, 1).</summary>
union GaUnsignedIntToFloat
    /// <summary>This field is used to store 32-bit long integer number.</summary>
    unsigned int bits;
    /// <summary>field is used to read 32-bit long integer number as mantissa of single precision floating point number.</summary>
    float number;
/// <summary>This union is used for conversation from 64-bits long integer random number
/// to double precision floating point number in interval (0, 1).</summary>
union GaUnsignedIntToDouble
    /// <summary>This field is used to store 64-bit long integer number.</summary>
    unsigned int bits[ 2 ];
    /// <summary>This field is used to read 64-bit long integer number as mantissa of single precision floating point number.</summary>
    double number;
/// <summary><c>GaRandomGenerator</c> class implements algorithm for generating 64-bits wide random unsigned integers and floating-point numbers.
/// It takes care of architecture's endianness, but underlying CPU architecture must support floating-point by IEEE 754 standard.
/// <c>GaRandomGenerator</c> class does not implement <see cref="GaRandom" /> interface. Primary purpose of this class is to provide service
/// for generating random numbers for classes which implement <see cref="GaRandom" /> interface.
/// This class has built-in synchronizator so it is allowed to use <c>LOCK_OBJECT</c> and <c>LOCK_THIS_OBJECT</c> macros with instances of this class.
/// All public methods are thread-safe.</summary>
class GaRandomGenerator
    /// <summary>Defines representations of random generator's state.</summary>
    struct GaState
        /// <summary>The first part of random generator state.</summary>
        unsigned int _w;
        /// <summary>The second part of random generator state.</summary>
        unsigned int _z;
    /// <summary>Current state of random generator.</summary>
    GaState _currentState;
    /// <summary>This attribute indicates endianness of architecture. If it is set to <c>true</c>, the architecture is little-endian,
    /// if the architecture is big-endian this attribute is set to <c>false</c>.</summary>
    bool _littleEndian;
    /// <summary>This constructor initialize random generator with current time as seed.</summary>
        unsigned long long x = (unsigned long long)time( NULL );
        Initalization( (unsigned int)( x >> 16 ), (unsigned int)x );
    /// <summary>This constructor initialize random generator with user-defined seed.</summary>
    /// <param name="seed">user-defined seed.</param>
    GaRandomGenerator(unsigned int seed) { Initalization( seed, 0 ); }
    /// <summary><c>Generate</c> method generates and returns 32-bit wide unsigned integer.
    /// This method is thread-safe.</summary>
    /// <returns>Method returns generated number.</returns>
    unsigned int GACALL Generate();
    /// <summary><c>GeneratrFloat</c> method generates single precision floating point number i interval (0, 1).
    /// This method is thread-safe.</summary>
    /// <returns>Method returns generated number.</returns>
    float GACALL GenerateFloat();
    /// <summary><c>GeneratrFloat</c> method generates double precision floating point number i interval (0, 1).
    /// This method is thread-safe.</summary>
    /// <returns>Method returns generated number.</returns>
    double GACALL GenerateDouble();
    /// <summary>Initializes random generator with specified seed. <c>Initialization</c> method is called by constructor.</summary>
    /// <param name="seed1">seed used to initialize the first part of generator's state.</param>
    /// <param name="seed2">seed used to initialize the second part of generator's state.</param>
        void GACALL Initalization(unsigned int seed1,
        unsigned int seed2);
};// END CLASS DEFINITION GaRandomGenerator
/// <summary>Interface for random value generators.</summary>
/// <param name="TYPE">type of generated values.</param>
template <typename TYPE>
class GaRandom
    /// <summary>This method generates random values of <c>TYPE</c> with no specific range.</summary>
    /// <returns>Returns generate random value.</returns>
    virtual TYPE GACALL Generate()=0;
    /// <summary>This method generates random value of <c>TYPE</c> with specified maximum.</summary>
    /// <param name="max">maximal value which can be generated.</param>
    /// <returns>Returns generate random value.</returns>
    virtual TYPE GACALL Generate(const TYPE& max)=0;
    /// <summary>This method generates random value of <c>TYPE</c> within specified range of values.</summary>
    /// <param name="min">minimal value which can be generated.</param>
    /// <param name="max">maximal value which can be generated.</param>
    /// <returns>Returns generate random value.</returns>
    virtual TYPE GACALL Generate(const TYPE& min,
        const TYPE& max)=0;
/// <summary><c>GaRandomInteger</c> class generates random 32-bits wide integer numbers. The class implements <see cref="GaRandom" /> interface.
/// This class has no built-in synchronizator, so <c>LOCK_OBJECT</c> and <c>LOCK_THIS_OBJECT</c> macros cannot be used with instances of this class,
/// but all public methods are thread-safe.</summary>
class GaRandomInteger : public GaRandom<int>
    /// <summary>Instance of algorithm for generating random numbers.</summary>
    GaRandomGenerator _generator;
    /// <summary>This constructor initializes random generator with current time as seed.</summary>
    GaRandomInteger() { }
    /// <summary>This constructor initialize random generator with user-defined seed.</summary>
    /// <param name="seed">user-defined seed.</param>
    GaRandomInteger(unsigned long seed) : _generator(seed) { }
    /// <summary>This method generates random values in interval(0, 2147483647).
    /// This method is thread-safe.</summary>
    /// <returns>Returns generate random value.</returns>
    virtual int GACALL Generate()
        unsigned int w1 = _generator.Generate();
        return (int)w1 < 0 ? -(int)w1 : (int)w1;
    /// <summary>This method generates random values in interval(0, <c>max</c>).
    /// This method is thread-safe.</summary>
    /// <param name="max">maximal value which can be generated.</param>
    /// <returns>Returns generate random value.</returns>
    virtual int GACALL Generate(const int& max) { return (int)( _generator.GenerateDouble() * ( max + 1 ) ) % ( max + 1 ); }
    /// <summary>This method generates random values in interval(<c>min</c>, <c>max</c>).
    /// This method is thread-safe.</summary>
    /// <param name="min">minimal value which can be generated.</param>
    /// <param name="max">maximal value which can be generated.</param>
    /// <returns>Returns generate random value.</returns>
    virtual int GACALL Generate(const int& min,
        const int& max) { return min + Generate( max - min ); }
/// <summary><c>GaRandomFloat</c> class generates random single  precision floating-point numbers. Targeted architecture must support IEEE 754 standard.
/// The class implements <see cref="GaRandom" /> interface. This class has no built-in synchronizator, so <c>LOCK_OBJECT</c> and <c>LOCK_THIS_OBJECT</c>
/// macros cannot be used with instances of this class, but all public methods are thread-safe.</summary>
class GaRandomFloat : public GaRandom<float>
    /// <summary>Instance of algorithm for generating random numbers.</summary>
    GaRandomGenerator _generator;
    /// <summary>This constructor initializes random generator with current time as seed.</summary>
    GaRandomFloat() { }
    /// <summary>This constructor initialize random generator with user-defined seed.</summary>
    /// <param name="seed">user-defined seed.</param>
    GaRandomFloat(unsigned long seed) : _generator(seed) { }
    /// <summary>This method generates random values in interval(0, 1).
    /// This method is thread-safe.</summary>
    /// <returns>Returns generate random value.</returns>
    virtual float GACALL Generate() { return _generator.GenerateFloat(); }
    /// <summary>This method generates random values in interval(0, <c>max</c>).
    /// This method is thread-safe.</summary>
    /// <param name="max">maximal value which can be generated.</param>
    /// <returns>Returns generate random value.</returns>
    virtual float GACALL Generate(const float& max) { return max * _generator.GenerateFloat(); }
    /// <summary>This method generates random values in interval(<c>min</c>, <c>max</c>).
    /// This method is thread-safe.</summary>
    /// <param name="min">minimal value which can be generated.</param>
    /// <param name="max">maximal value which can be generated.</param>
    /// <returns>Returns generate random value.</returns>
    virtual float GACALL Generate(const float& min,
                     const float& max) { return min + Generate( max - min ); }
/// <summary><c>GaRandomDouble</c> class generates random double precision floating-point numbers. Class takes care about endianness of the architecture.
/// Targeted architecture must support IEEE 754 standard. The class implements <see cref="GaRandom" /> interface. This class has no built-in synchronizator,
/// so <c>LOCK_OBJECT</c> and <c>LOCK_THIS_OBJECT</c> macros cannot be used with instances of this class, but all public methods are thread-safe.</summary>
class GaRandomDouble : public GaRandom<double>
    /// <summary>Instance of algorithm for generating random numbers.</summary>
    GaRandomGenerator _generator;
    /// <summary>This constructor initializes random generator with current time as seed.</summary>
    GaRandomDouble() { }
    /// <summary>This constructor initialize random generator with user-defined seed.</summary>
    /// <param name="seed">user-defined seed.</param>
    GaRandomDouble(unsigned long seed) : _generator(seed) { }
    /// <summary>This method generates random values in interval(0, 1).
    /// This method is thread-safe.</summary>
    /// <returns>Returns generate random value.</returns>
    virtual double GACALL Generate() { return _generator.GenerateDouble(); }
    /// <summary>This method generates random values in interval(0, <c>max</c>).
    /// This method is thread-safe.</summary>
    /// <param name="max">maximal value which can be generated.</param>
    /// <returns>Returns generate random value.</returns>
    virtual double GACALL Generate(const double& max) { return max * _generator.GenerateDouble(); }
    /// <summary>This method generates random values in interval(<c>min</c>, <c>max</c>).
    /// This method is thread-safe.</summary>
    /// <param name="min">minimal value which can be generated.</param>
    /// <param name="max">maximal value which can be generated.</param>
    /// <returns>Returns generate random value.</returns>
    virtual double GACALL Generate(const double& min,
        const double& max) { return min + Generate( max - min ); }
/// <summary><c>GaRandomBool</c> class generates random boolean values. It supports generating boolean with defined probabilities of 
/// <c>true</c> and <c>false</c> states. The class implements <see cref="GaRandom" /> interface. This class has no built-in synchronizator,
/// so <c>LOCK_OBJECT</c> and <c>LOCK_THIS_OBJECT</c> macros cannot be used with instances of this class, but all public methods are thread-safe.</summary>
class GaRandomBool : public GaRandom<bool>
    /// <summary>Instance of algorithm for generating random numbers.</summary>
    GaRandomGenerator _generator;
    /// <summary>This constructor initializes random generator with current time as seed.</summary>
    GaRandomBool() { }
    /// <summary>This constructor initialize random generator with user-defined seed.</summary>
    /// <param name="seed">user-defined seed.</param>
    GaRandomBool(unsigned long seed) : _generator(seed) { }
    /// <summary>This method generates random Boolean values.
    /// This method is thread-safe.</summary>
    /// <returns>Returns generate random value.</returns>
    virtual bool GACALL Generate() { return ( _generator.Generate() & 1 ) == 1; }
    /// <summary>This method generates random Boolean values.
    /// This method is thread-safe.</summary>
    /// <param name="max">this parameter is ignored.</param>
    /// <returns>Returns generate random value.</returns>
    virtual bool GACALL Generate(const bool& max) { return Generate(); }
    /// <summary>This method generates random Boolean values.
    /// This method is thread-safe.</summary>
    /// <param name="min">this parameter is ignored.</param>
    /// <param name="max">this parameter is ignored.</param>
    /// <returns>Returns generate random value.</returns>
    virtual bool GACALL Generate(const bool& min,
        const bool& max) { return Generate(); }
    // Generates boolean with p probability of TRUE and 1-p probability of FALSE
    /// <summary>This method generates Boolean value with <c>p</c> probability of <c>true</c> value.
    /// This method is thread safe.</summary>
    /// <param name="p">probability of <c>true</c> value (0, 1).</param>
    /// <returns>Returns generate random value.</returns>
    inline bool GACALL Generate(double p) { return _generator.GenerateFloat() < p; }
    // Generates boolean with p probability of TRUE and 100-p probability of FALSE. p is expressed in 
    /// <summary>This method generates Boolean value with <c>p</c> probability of <c>true</c> and <c>100-p</c> of <c>false</c> value.
    /// This method is thread safe.</summary>
    /// <param name="p">probability in percents of <c>true</c> value (0 - 100).</param>
    /// <returns>Returns generate random value.</returns>
    inline bool GACALL Generate(int p) { return (int)( _generator.GenerateDouble() * 100 ) < p; }
} // Common
#endif // __GA_RANDOM_H__


#include "stdafx.h"

#include "Platform.h"
#include "Random.h"
#if defined(GAL_API_EXPORTING)
/// <summary>Global object used by GAL to generate random integer numbers. It cannot be used prior calling <see cref="GaInitialize" />
/// and after calling <see cref="GaFinalize" />. For more details see <see cref="GaRandomInteger" /> class.</summary>
extern Common::GaRandomInteger * GaGlobalRandomIntegerGenerator;
/// <summary>Global object used by GAL to generate random single precision floating point numbers. It cannot be used prior calling <see cref="GaInitialize" />
/// and after calling <see cref="GaFinalize" />. For more details see <see cref="GaRandomInteger" /> class.</summary>
extern Common::GaRandomFloat * GaGlobalRandomFloatGenerator;
/// <summary>Global object used by GAL to generate random double precision floating point numbers. It cannot be used prior calling <see cref="GaInitialize" />
/// and after calling <see cref="GaFinalize" />. For more details see <see cref="GaRandomInteger" /> class.</summary>
extern Common::GaRandomDouble * GaGlobalRandomDoubleGenerator;
/// <summary>Global object used by GAL to generate random Boolean values. It cannot be used prior calling <see cref="GaInitialize" />
/// and after calling <see cref="GaFinalize" />. For more details see <see cref="GaRandomInteger" /> class.</summary>
extern Common::GaRandomBool * GaGlobalRandomBoolGenerator;
#if defined(GAL_PLATFORM_WIN)
GAL_API Common::GaRandomInteger* GaGlobalRandomIntegerGenerator;
GAL_API Common::GaRandomFloat* GaGlobalRandomFloatGenerator;
GAL_API Common::GaRandomDouble* GaGlobalRandomDoubleGenerator;
GAL_API Common::GaRandomBool* GaGlobalRandomBoolGenerator;
#elif defined(GAL_PLATFORM_NIX)
extern Common::GaRandomInteger* GaGlobalRandomIntegerGenerator;
extern Common::GaRandomFloat* GaGlobalRandomFloatGenerator;
extern Common::GaRandomDouble* GaGlobalRandomDoubleGenerator;
extern Common::GaRandomBool* GaGlobalRandomBoolGenerator;


#if defined(GAL_PLATFORM_WIN)
GAL_API Common::GaRandomInteger* GaGlobalRandomIntegerGenerator;
GAL_API Common::GaRandomFloat* GaGlobalRandomFloatGenerator;
GAL_API Common::GaRandomDouble* GaGlobalRandomDoubleGenerator;
GAL_API Common::GaRandomBool* GaGlobalRandomBoolGenerator;
#elif defined(GAL_PLATFORM_NIX)
extern Common::GaRandomInteger* GaGlobalRandomIntegerGenerator;
extern Common::GaRandomFloat* GaGlobalRandomFloatGenerator;
extern Common::GaRandomDouble* GaGlobalRandomDoubleGenerator;
extern Common::GaRandomBool* GaGlobalRandomBoolGenerator;
