
Strange compiler messages when using lambdas in C++

本文关键字:消息 编译器 c++ lambdas      更新时间:2023-10-16


9>C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0VCincludexxcallobj(13): warning C4800: 'BOOL' : forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' (performance warning)
3>          C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0VCincludexxfunction(386) : see reference to class template instantiation 'std::tr1::_Impl_no_alloc0<_Callable,_Rx>' being compiled
3>          with
3>          [
3>              _Callable=_MyWrapper,
3>              _Rx=bool
3>          ]
3>          C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0VCincludexxfunction(369) : see reference to function template instantiation 'void std::tr1::_Function_impl0<_Ret>::_Reset0o<_Myimpl,_Fty,std::allocator<_Ty>>(_Fty,_Alloc)' being compiled
3>          with
3>          [
3>              _Ret=bool,
3>              _Fty=`anonymous-namespace'::<lambda3>,
3>              _Ty=std::tr1::_Function_impl0<bool>,
3>              _Alloc=std::allocator<std::tr1::_Function_impl0<bool>>
3>          ]
3>          C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0VCincludefunctional(113) : see reference to function template instantiation 'void std::tr1::_Function_impl0<_Ret>::_Reset<_Fx>(_Fty)' being compiled
3>          with
3>          [
3>              _Ret=bool,
3>              _Fx=`anonymous-namespace'::<lambda3>,
3>              _Fty=`anonymous-namespace'::<lambda3>
3>          ]
3>          ....CommonIOFile.cpp(1162) : see reference to function template instantiation 'std::tr1::function<_Fty>::function<`anonymous-namespace'::<lambda3>>(_Fx)' being compiled
3>          with
3>          [
3>              _Fty=bool (void),
3>              _Fx=`anonymous-namespace'::<lambda3>
3>          ]



typedef std::function<bool ()> RepeatingFunction;
static bool RepeatFileOperation(RepeatingFunction callback);
static bool Copy(CString file, CString copyFileName, bool failIfExists = true);


bool IOFile::RepeatFileOperation(RepeatingFunction callback)
    const int times_to_retry = 10;
    bool succeed = false;
    // Retry a few times if it doesn't work
    int retries = 0;
        // Perform the caller's action on the file
        succeed = callback();
    while (!succeed && retries++ < times_to_retry);
    return succeed;
bool IOFile::Copy(CString file, CString copyFileName, bool failIfExists)
    return RepeatFileOperation([&] {
        return CopyFile(file, copyFileName, static_cast<BOOL>(failIfExists));



CopyFile不返回bool,但是您隐式地将其结果转换为bool。只需添加显式强制转换return static_cast<bool>(CopyFile(...