Visual Studio Express 2012中的c++程序不能使用.csv,但可以使用.txt

C++ Program in Visual Studio Express 2012 not working with .csv but does work with .txt

本文关键字:csv txt 可以使 不能 Express Studio 2012 中的 程序 c++ Visual      更新时间:2023-10-16


    Team::Team(ifstream& fin)
string temp;
stringstream convert;
//Get team #
getline(fin, temp, ',');
idNumber = stringToInt(temp);
//Get team letter
getline(fin, temp, ',');
idLetter = temp[0];
//Get team name
getline(fin, name, ',');
//Get team type
getline(fin, type, ',');
//Get team rating
getline(fin, temp, ',');
rating = stringToDouble(temp);
//Get team notes
getline(fin, notes, ',');
//Get toss info
getline(fin, temp, ',');
canToss = stringToBool(temp);
getline(fin, tossType, ',');
//Get female info
getline(fin, temp, ',');
hasFemales = stringToBool(temp);
getline(fin, temp, ',');
femaleNumber = stringToInt(temp);
getline(fin, temp, ',');
femaleRating = stringToDouble(temp);
//Get Auto info
getline(fin, temp, ',');
hasAuto = stringToBool(temp);
getline(fin, autoType, ',');
getline(fin, temp, ',');
autoScore = stringToInt(temp);
//Get Drive Info
getline(fin, temp, ',');
driveMotors = stringToInt(temp);
getline(fin, temp, ',');
driveRatio = stringToDouble(temp);
getline(fin, driveType, ',');
//Get hang info
getline(fin, temp, ',');
canHang = stringToBool(temp);
getline(fin, hangType, ',');
//Get stash info
getline(fin, temp, ',');
canStash = stringToBool(temp);
//Get lift indo
getline(fin, temp, ',');
liftMotors = stringToInt(temp);
getline(fin, temp, ',');
liftRatio = stringToDouble(temp);
getline(fin, liftType, ',');
//Get competition info
getline(fin, temp, ',');
driverSkills = stringToInt(temp);
getline(fin, temp, ',');
programmingSkills = stringToInt(temp);
getline(fin, temp, ',');
ranking = stringToInt(temp);
getline(fin, temp, ',');
wins = stringToInt(temp);
getline(fin, temp, ',');
ties = stringToInt(temp);
getline(fin, temp, ',');
losses = stringToInt(temp);
getline(fin, temp);
SPs = stringToInt(temp);


if (ifstream fin("test.csv")) {
    Team team(fin);
} else {
    std::cerr << "Failed to open test.csvn";


getline(fin, temp     , ','); idNumber          = stringToInt   (temp);
getline(fin, temp     , ','); idLetter          = temp[0];
getline(fin, name     , ',');
getline(fin, type     , ',');
getline(fin, temp     , ','); rating            = stringToDouble(temp);
getline(fin, notes    , ',');
getline(fin, temp     , ','); canToss           = stringToBool  (temp);
getline(fin, tossType , ',');
getline(fin, temp     , ','); hasFemales        = stringToBool  (temp);
getline(fin, temp     , ','); femaleNumber      = stringToInt   (temp);
getline(fin, temp     , ','); femaleRating      = stringToDouble(temp);
getline(fin, temp     , ','); hasAuto           = stringToBool  (temp);
getline(fin, autoType , ',');
getline(fin, temp     , ','); autoScore         = stringToInt   (temp);
//Get Drive Info
getline(fin, temp     , ','); driveMotors       = stringToInt   (temp);
getline(fin, temp     , ','); driveRatio        = stringToDouble(temp);
getline(fin, driveType, ',');
//Get hang info
getline(fin, temp     , ','); canHang           = stringToBool  (temp);
getline(fin, hangType , ',');
//Get stash info
getline(fin, temp     , ','); canStash          = stringToBool  (temp);
//Get lift indo
getline(fin, temp     , ','); liftMotors        = stringToInt   (temp);
getline(fin, temp     , ','); liftRatio         = stringToDouble(temp);
getline(fin, liftType , ',');
//Get competition info
getline(fin, temp     , ','); driverSkills      = stringToInt   (temp);
getline(fin, temp     , ','); programmingSkills = stringToInt   (temp);
getline(fin, temp     , ','); ranking           = stringToInt   (temp);
getline(fin, temp     , ','); wins              = stringToInt   (temp);
getline(fin, temp     , ','); ties              = stringToInt   (temp);
getline(fin, temp     , ','); losses            = stringToInt   (temp);


Team::Team(ifstream& fin)
    string temp;
    getline(fin, temp);
    const char * ctemp = temp.c_str();
    std::vector<char> buf(ctemp, ctemp + temp.count() + 1);
    char * lasts, * s =;
    auto next = [&]{
        char * result = strtok_r(s, ",", &lasts);
        assert(result); // …or throw
        s = NULL;
        return result;
    idNumber          = stringToInt   (next());
    idLetter          =                next()[0];
    name              =                next();
    type              =                next();
    rating            = stringToDouble(next());
    programmingSkills = stringToInt   (next());


class CsvLine {
    CsvLine(const std::string & line) {
        const char * temp = line.c_str();
        buf_.assign(temp, temp + line.length() + 1));
        s_ =;
    CsvLine & operator>>(string & x) { x =                next() ; return *this; }
    CsvLine & operator>>(char   & x) { x =               *next() ; return *this; }
    CsvLine & operator>>(int    & x) { x = stringToInt   (next()); return *this; }
    CsvLine & operator>>(bool   & x) { x = stringToBool  (next()); return *this; }
    CsvLine & operator>>(double & x) { x = stringToDouble(next()); return *this; }
    std::vector<char> buf_;
    char * s_, * lasts_;
    char * next() {
        char * result = strtok_r(s_, ",", &lasts_);
        assert(result); // …or throw
        s_ = NULL;
        return result;
Team::Team(ifstream& fin)
    string line;
    getline(fin, line);
        >> idNumber >> idLetter >> name >> type >> rating >> notes
        >> canToss >> tossType
        >> driverSkills >> programmingSkills >> ranking >> wins >> ties >> losses;