
Template method with number of arguments fixed for instantiation but variable by template parameter

本文关键字:参数 实例化 数数 模板方法      更新时间:2023-10-16


template< class Coord, int dim >
class Point {
    Coord mCoords[ dim ];
    void Set( /* I want exactly dim Coord arguments here. */ );


Point<double,2> pt2d;
pt2d.Set( 25, 32 );
Point<double,3> pt3d;
pt3d.Set( 25, 32, 100 );


Point<double,2> pt2d;
pt2d.Set( 25, 32, 100 );  // Too many arguments
Point<double,3> pt3d;
pt3d.Set( 25, 32 );       // Too few arguments

现在,我可以在较小的维度上手动专门化Point以具有不相关的Set函数,但我发现基本上重复相同代码的做法是un- c++ -ish。此外,我不需要对int模板形参的每个可能值都进行专门化。



template <typename Coord, int dim, typename = std::make_index_sequence<dim>>
struct Point;
template <typename Coord, int dim, size_t... Ignore>
struct Point<Coord, dim, std::index_sequence<Ignore...>>
    void Set(decltype(Ignore, Coord{})... args)
        // ...

一个较长的版本,隐藏了Ignore的丑陋(并适用于非默认可构造的Coord s…)将添加一些元编程样板:

template <typename... > struct typelist { };
template <int N, typename T, typename = std::make_index_sequence<N>>
struct repeat;
template <int N, typename T>
using repeat_t = typename repeat<N, T>::type;
template <int N, typename T, size_t... Idx>
struct repeat<N, T, std::index_sequence<Idx...>>
    template <size_t >
    struct makeT { using type = T; };
    using type = typelist<typename makeT<Idx>::type...>;


namespace details {
    template <typename Coord, int dim, typename = repeat_t<dim, Coord>>
    struct Point;
    template <typename Coord, int dim, typename... dimCoords>
    struct Point<Coord, dim, typelist<dimCoords...>>
        void Set(dimCoords... args)
template <typename Coord, int dim>
using Point = details::Point<Coord, dim>;