
PJRC Encoder Object as Property of Another Object

本文关键字:一个对象 属性 编码器 对象 PJRC      更新时间:2023-10-16

我借用PJRC的编码器库来管理一个步进式注射器泵,我正在运行一个Sparkfun RedBoard和一个BigEasy Driver。



#include "Arduino.h"
#include "Stepper.h"
#include "Encoder.h"
#define PUMP_TOP_SPEED 50   // ml/min               top pump speed
#define PUMP_ERROR 10       // encoder counts       acceptable error
class Pump {
        Stepper motor;          // object       stepper motor
        Encoder encoder;        // object       attached encoder
        int countPerRev;        // #            encoder counts per relovlution
        float nominalVolume;    // mL           nominal syringe volume
        float innerDiameter;    // cm           syringe inner diameter
        float shaftLead;        // cm           driveshaft threading lead distance
        float degVolume;        // mL           effective volume change per degree of rotation
        bool state;             // boolean      T = ready, F = slept
        // constructor
        Pump(const Stepper& stp, const Encoder& enc, int cpr, float vol, float diam, float lead);
        float volume();                         // returns nominalVolume
        float position();                       // returns current pump position in mL
        void hold();                            // high power state to resist back-pressure
        void relax();                           // low power state
        void pump(float vol, float rate);       // pumps the requested volume at requested rate
        void release();                         // moves the plunger all the way out so syringe can be serviced
        void set();                             // returns plunger to zero mL


// constructor
Pump::Pump(const Stepper& stp, const Encoder& enc, int cpr, float vol, float diam, float lead) : motor(stp), encoder(enc), countPerRev(cpr), nominalVolume(vol), innerDiameter(diam), shaftLead(lead) {
    // calculate volume per degree
    // (diameter^2 / 4) * PI * (lead / 360) = mL / deg
    // diam * diam * lead * PI / 360 / 4 = (diam diam lead PI) / 1440
    degVolume = innerDiameter * innerDiameter * shaftLead * PI / 1440;
    // construct the encoder inside here
    /*encoder = new(Encoder(2,3));
    // set it to 0
// pumping function
void Pump::pump(float vol, float rate) {
        vol < 0         INFUSE
        vol > 0         WITHDRAW
    if (rate > PUMP_TOP_SPEED) rate = PUMP_TOP_SPEED; // limit rate
    if (!state) hold(); // wake up the motor if it's asleep
    // make sure this doesn't push outside of the acceptable range
    if (position() + vol <= nominalVolume && position() + vol >= 0) {
        // (mL) / (mL/deg) = deg
        float degrees = vol / degVolume; // find number of degrees to turn the motor
        Serial.print("Looking to turn ");
        Serial.print(degrees, DEC);
        Serial.print(" degrees at ");
        // (count) + (deg) * (count/rev) / (deg/rev) = count
        long goal = encoder.read() + degrees * countPerRev / 360; // set target encoder reading
        // (mL/min) / (mL/deg) / (deg/rev) = RPM
        int rpm = abs(rate) / degVolume / 360; // find RPM to turn the motor
        Serial.print(rpm, DEC);
        Serial.println(" RPM in full-stepping mode");
        Serial.print("Going from encoder count ");
        Serial.print(encoder.read(), DEC);
        Serial.print(" to ");
        Serial.println(goal, DEC);
        motor.drive(degrees, 1, rpm); // drive the pump
        int err = goal - encoder.read(); // how far from the goal are we in counts?
        Serial.print("Reached encoder count ");
        Serial.println(encoder.read(), DEC);
        Serial.print("Missed by ");
        Serial.println(err, DEC);


正如你在上面看到的,我试图在泵构造函数中初始化编码器,但是当我试图编译时,我尝试的2或3件事都在Arduino IDE中抛出了一堆神秘的错误,留下注释部分,这样你就可以看到我在尝试什么。


#include <Stepper.h>
#include <Encoder.h>
#include <Pump.h>
// initialize stepper
Stepper motor(4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11);
// initialize encoder
Encoder encoder(2, 3);
// initialize the pump
Pump pump(motor, encoder, 1440, 25, 2.328, 0.1);
void setup() {
  // start the Serial connection
  // set up the motor
  // pump
  Serial.print("Pump reading:       ");
  Serial.println(pump.position(), DEC);
  Serial.print("Encoder reading:    ");
  Serial.println(encoder.read(), DEC);
  // cool boards
void loop() {}


Looking to turn 211.4397277832 degrees at 58 RPM in full-stepping mode
Going from encoder count 0 to 845
Reached encoder count 0
Missed by 845
Pump reading:       0.0000000000
Encoder reading:    845




我在'Pump.h'的属性声明中构造了编码器。由于我正在使用的RedBoard是Arduino Uno,从本质上讲,唯一可接受的引脚是中断的2和3。我在类的私有属性列表下面用下面一行声明了编码器:

Encoder encoder = Encoder(2,3);     //  attached encoder

