在OS X上编写一个全屏不可关闭的窗口

Program a full screen uncloseable window on OS X

本文关键字:窗口 一个 OS      更新时间:2023-10-16




我要用最容易摘到的果子(Objective-C, c++, Java, python, ruby, JavaScript等等,只要能快速完成任务就行。

我读了一篇关于在Objective-C中打开全屏窗口的入门文章,但它可以很容易地关闭。这个恶作剧的目的是让我的同事感到羞耻,因为他侵入了我的电脑至少10到20秒,如果他能按下apple - q键,我就做不到。


要在Cocoa应用程序中获得类似的东西,您可以在应用程序委托的- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(或类似)中放置以下代码:

// Set the key equivalent of the "Quit" menu item to something other than ⌘-Q.
// In this case, ^-⌥-⌘-Q.
// !!! Verify this and make sure you remember it or else you're screwed. !!!
NSMenu *mainMenu = [NSApplication sharedApplication].mainMenu;
NSMenu *appMenu = [[mainMenu itemAtIndex:0] submenu];
NSMenuItem *quitItem = [appMenu itemWithTitle:@"Quit <Your App Name Here>"];
quitItem.keyEquivalentModifierMask = NSEventModifierFlagControl | NSEventModifierFlagOption | NSEventModifierFlagCommand;
quitItem.keyEquivalent = @"q";
// Enable "kiosk mode" -- when fullscreen, hide the dock and menu bar, and prevent the user from switching away from the app or force-quitting.
[NSApplication sharedApplication].presentationOptions = NSApplicationPresentationHideDock
                                                      | NSApplicationPresentationHideMenuBar
                                                      | NSApplicationPresentationDisableProcessSwitching
                                                      | NSApplicationPresentationDisableForceQuit
                                                      | NSApplicationPresentationDisableSessionTermination;
// Remove the window's close button, making it no longer close with ⌘-W.
self.window.styleMask = self.window.styleMask & ~NSWindowStyleMaskClosable;
// Make the window take up the whole screen and make it full-screen.
[self.window setFrame:[[NSScreen mainScreen] frame] display:YES];
[self.window toggleFullScreen:self];


当然,其中一些自定义也可以在Interface Builder中完成(设置键相当于"退出")。菜单项在那里更容易,你也可以关闭窗口的关闭控制,正如上面的评论所提到的),但我只是想把它作为代码包含,这样它就更透明了(而不是上传一个Xcode项目)。
