
Placement deallocation function is not called

本文关键字:释放 函数 位置 调用      更新时间:2023-10-16


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct A
    void * operator new [] (size_t t, int, int)
        cout << "3 parameters allocation" << endl;
        return ::operator new[](t);
    void operator delete [] (void *p, int, int)
        cout << "3 parameters deallocation" << endl;
        return ::operator delete[](p);
int main() 
    A *a = new (5,5) A[10]; //operator new [] (size_t, int, int) invoked
    delete [] a; //Error. Overload resolution is failed.






10 -如果类型是完整的,并且如果查找到一个通常的只有指针参数的释放函数和一个通常的既有指针参数又有大小参数的释放函数,那么选择的释放函数应该是有两个参数的释放函数。否则所选的解分配函数应为只有一个参数的函数


  • 提供void operator delete[](void*);
  • 提供void operator delete[](void*, size_t);,或
  • write ::delete[] a .
A *a = new(5, 5) A[10]; 
A::operator delete[](a,5,5);

如果您想要访问operator delete中的原始位置新参数,则必须将它们存储在分配的内存块中,然后再检索它们。例如(Live at Ideone):

struct A
    static void * operator new [] (size_t t, int first, int second);
    static void operator delete [] (void *p, size_t t);
    static void operator delete [] (void *p, int first, int second)
        cout << "3 parameters deallocation: " << first << ", " << second << endl;
        return ::operator delete[](p);
// simple POD struct to store the placement parameters
struct info {
    int first_param, second_param;
void* A::operator new [] (size_t t, int first, int second)
    cout << "3 parameters allocation: " << first << ", " << second << endl;
    // allocate sizeof(info) extra space to store the parameters
    auto const p = ::operator new[](t + sizeof(info));
    auto const pinfo = reinterpret_cast<char*>(p) + t;
    auto const tmp = info{first, second};
    std::copy_n(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&tmp), sizeof(info), pinfo);
    return p;
static void A::operator delete [] (void *p, std::size_t t) {
    // retrieve the parameters that we stored in operator new [].
    auto const pinfo = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(p) + t;
    auto tmp = info{};
    std::copy_n(pinfo, sizeof(info), reinterpret_cast<char*>(&tmp));
    cout << "Deleting with original parameters: " << tmp.first_param << ", " << tmp.second_param << endl;
    ::operator delete[](p);