
a c++ function that enables input editing in a data structure

本文关键字:数据结构 编辑 输入 c++ 函数 一个      更新时间:2023-10-16



using namespace std;
struct AND  //structure called AND
   int x, y;
   AND()    //constructor
      x, y = 0;             //declaring variables as inputs
   void inputAND()      //function that takes inputs from the user
      cin >> x;
      cin >> y;
   void outputAND()                       //function that displays output
      if (x == 0 || y == 0)
         cout << "0" << endl;
      else if (x == 1 && y == 1)
         cout << "1" << endl;
   void changeInputAND(AND change[])       //function for changing inputs
      cout << "Do you wish change first input Yes/No:" << endl;       
      string t;
      cin >> t;
      int k;
      if (t == "Yes" || "yes")
         cout << "Enter New Input ";
         cin >> k;
         x = k;
         k = x;
      cout << "Do you wish to change the second input Yes/No:" << endl;
         string s;
         cin >> s;
         int l;
         if (t == "Yes" || "yes")
            cout << "enter new input";
            cin >> l;
            y = l;
void main()
   AND a1;
   a1.input();   //calling the input function
   a1.output();  //calling the output function


  1. 让你的类尽可能的简单。不要让代码相关的输入和输出流污染它。

    struct AND  //structure called AND
       int x, y;
       AND() : x(0), y(0)   //constructor
       void setX(int newX)
          x = newX;
       void setY(int newY)
          y = newY;
  2. 在初始化列表中初始化class的成员,而不是在构造函数体中对其赋值。


    AND() : x(0), y(0)   //constructor


    AND()    //constructor
       x = y = 0;
  3. 将读取和写入代码从成员函数移动到非成员函数。不要假设输入/输出流是std::cin还是std::cout。驱动程序代码可以选择使用std::cin/std::cout,也可以选择std::ifstream/std::ofstream文件。

    // Write data to a stream
    std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, AND const& a)
       return out << a.x << " " << a.y;
    // Read data from a stream
    std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& in, AND& a)
       in >> a.x >> a.y;


  4. 创建一个非成员函数,用于读取用户数据和更改对象,而不是将其全部放入成员函数中。

    // Non-member function for changing the object.
    void changeInputAND(AND& a)
       cout << "Do you wish change first input Yes/No:" << endl;       
       string ans;
       cin >> ans;
       if (ans == "Yes" || ans == "yes")
          cout << "Enter New Input ";
          int x;
          cin >> x;
       cout << "Do you wish to change the second input Yes/No:" << endl;
       cin >> ans;
       if (ans == "Yes" || ans == "yes")
          cout << "enter new input";
          int y;
          cin >> y;


       if (ans == "Yes" || "yes")


       if ( (ans == "Yes") || "yes")


  5. 将其放在一个或多个函数中测试AND功能,最好与main不同。

    void testAND()
       AND a1;
       std::cin >> a1;                // calling the input function
       std::cout << a1 << std::endl;  // calling the output function
       changeInputAND(a1);            // function for changing inputs
       std::cout << a1 << std::endl;  // calling the output function again
  6. main调用test函数

    void main()
       return 0;