哪些平台对C和c++有不兼容的abi ?

What platforms have incompatible ABIs for C and C++?

本文关键字:不兼容 abi c++ 平台      更新时间:2023-10-16



#include <assert.h>
extern "C" int run(int (*f)(int), int x) { return f(x); }
int times2(int x) { return x * 2; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  int a = times2(argc);
  // This is undefined behavior according to C++ because I am passing an
  // "extern C++" function pointer to an "extern C" function.
  int b = run(&times2, argc);
  assert(a == b);
  return a;


extern "C" int run(int (*f)(int), int x) { return f(x); }
extern "C++" int run(int (*f)(int), int x) { return f(x); }



"t.c", line 11: Warning (Anachronism): Formal argument f of type extern "C" int(*)(int) in call to run(extern "C" int(*)(int), int) is being passed int(*)(int).

如果用extern "C++"函数重载run,它会正确地为run(times)调用extern "C++"函数。