
Nothing happening when I call my function?

本文关键字:什么 调用 函数      更新时间:2023-10-16


#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
double playRPS (char a, char b);

int main() {
    char letter;
    char result = 0;
    cout << "Welcome to COP3014 ROCK PAPER SCISSORS!nn";
    cout << "Please select: " << endl
         << "Rock(r), Paper(p), or Scissors(s)? " << endl
         << "Or enter q to quit --> ";
    cin >> letter;
    if (letter == 'r' || letter == 'R' || letter ==  'p' || letter == 'P'     || letter == 's' || letter == 'S') {
        playRPS(letter, result);
    else {
        cout << "Please enter r, p, or s" << endl;
    return 0;
double playRPS (char x, char y) {
    int choice1 = 0, choice2 = 0, choice3 = 0;
    int user2 = rand() % 3 + 1;
    if (( x == 'r' || x == 'R') && (user2 == '2')) {
       cout << "The computer chose... PAPER!";
       cout << "You chose ROCK!";
       cout << "You LOSE!";
       y = choice2;
       return choice2;
    else if ((x == 'r' || x == 'R') && (user2 == '1')) {
        cout << "The computer chose... ROCK!";
        cout << "You chose ROCK!";
        cout << "You TIED!";
        y = choice3;
        return choice3;
    else if ((x == 'r' || x == 'R') && (user2 == '3')) {
        cout << "The computer chose... SCISSORS!";
        cout << "You chose ROCK!";
        cout << "You WIN!";
        y = choice1;
        return choice1;
    else if (( x == 'p' || x == 'P') && (user2 == '2')) {
        cout << "The computer chose... PAPER!";
        cout << "You chose PAPER!";
        cout << "You TIED!";
        y = choice3;
        return choice3;
    else if (( x == 'p' || x == 'P') && (user2 == '1')) {
        cout << "The computer chose... ROCK!";
        cout << "You chose PAPER!";
        cout << "You WIN!";
        y = choice1;
        return choice1;
    else if (( x == 'p' || x == 'P') && (user2 == '3')) {
        cout << "The computer chose... SCISSORS!";
        cout << "You chose PAPER!";
        cout << "You LOSE!";
        y = choice2;
        return choice2;
    else if (( x == 's' || x == 'S') && (user2 == '2')) {
        cout << "The computer chose... PAPER!";
        cout << "You chose SCISSORS!";
        cout << "You WIN!";
        y = choice1;
        return choice1;
    else if (( x == 's' || x == 'S') && (user2 == '1')) {
        cout << "The computer chose... ROCK!";
        cout << "You chose SCISSORS!";
        cout << "You LOSE!";
        y = choice2;
        return choice2;
    else if (( x == 's' || x == 'S') && (user2 == '3')) {
        cout << "The computer chose... SCISSORS!";
        cout << "You chose SCISSORS!";
        cout << "You TIED!";
        y = choice3;
        return choice3;
        return main();


using namespace std;

避免using namespace std

return main();



rand()。这里有一个有趣的视频,告诉你为什么不应该使用它,而应该使用c++ 11。

y = choice2;

您通过值传递y,这意味着分配它不会从外部修改y。你应该通过引用传递y(即声明中的char& y)。



user2 == '2'


这意味着在playRPS中所有的条件都是假的,所以函数唯一做的就是调用main()(在return main();中)。




if (x == 'r' || x == 'R')
    cout << "You chose ROCK!" << endl;
else if (x == 'p' || x == 'P')
    cout << "You chose PAPER!" << endl;
else if (x == 's' || x == 'S')
    cout << "You chose SCISSORS!" << endl;


if (user2 == 1)
    cout << "The computer chose... ROCK!" << endl;
else if (user2 == 2)
    cout << "The computer chose... PAPER!" << endl;
else if (user2 == 3)
    cout << "The computer chose... SCISSORS!" << endl;



int user1 = 0;
x = tolower(x); // we force x to lower case
if (x == 'r')
    user1 = 1;
else if (x == 'p')
    user1 = 2;
else if (x == 's')
    user1 = 3;

好!现在我们还可以改善第一个if/else if块中的条件:

if (user1 == 1)
    cout << "You chose ROCK!" << endl;
else if (user1 == 2)
    cout << "You chose PAPER!" << endl;
else if (user1 == 3)
    cout << "You chose SCISSORS!" << endl;


if (user1 == user2) {
    cout << "It's a TIE!" << endl;
else if ((user1 == 1 && user2 == 2) ||
         (user1 == 2 && user2 == 3) ||
         (user1 == 3 && user2 == 1)) {
    cout << "You LOSE!" << endl;
else {
    cout << "You WIN!" << endl;

然而,使用1, 23并不能使事情变得非常清楚。如果使用enum来表示这些值呢?

enum RPSChoice
    ROCK = 1,
    PAPER = 2,
    SCISSORS = 3
if (user1 == ROCK)
    cout << "You chose ROCK!" << endl;
else if (user1 == PAPER)
    cout << "You chose PAPER!" << endl;
else if (user1 == SCISSORS)
    cout << "You chose SCISSORS!" << endl;


void printDecision(string who, int choice) {
    cout << who; // no matter what, we will tell who took a decision
    if (choice == ROCK)
        cout << " chose ROCK!" << endl;
    else if (choice == PAPER)
        cout << " chose PAPER!" << endl;
    else if (choice == SCISSORS)
        cout << " chose SCISSORS!" << endl;


printDecision("You", user1);
printDecision("The computer", user2);


int winner(int user1, int user2) {
    if (user1 == user2) {
        return 0; // tie
    else if ((user1 == ROCK && user2 == PAPER) ||
             (user1 == PAPER && user2 == SCISSORS) ||
             (user1 == SCISSORS && user2 == ROCK)) {
        return 2; // user2 is the winner
    else {
        return 1; // user1 is the winner


int characterToChoice(char c)
    c = tolower(c);
    if (c == 'r')
        return ROCK;
    else if (c == 's')
        return SCISSORS;
    else if (c == 'p')
        return PAPER;
        return 0; // Not a proper choice!

完成了!这是所有改进的最终程序(没有做任何事情来取代rand() in),这里是一个在线提示来尝试它。


正如您的问题的注释所述,您可以使用调试器诊断此问题。π α ντα ρ ε ν的注释供参考:

解决这类问题的正确工具是调试器。在询问Stack Overflow之前,您应该逐行检查代码。更多的帮助,请阅读如何调试小程序(由Eric Lippert)。