
Why can't I access the Object in my function?

本文关键字:对象 函数 访问 为什么      更新时间:2023-10-16

我有一个函数,检测两帧之间的运动,并在变量cv::Mat result_庄稼中存储仅移动对象的裁剪图像。现在我想添加一个函数来检查result_庄稼是否有黑色像素。我写的代码很容易,但我完全卡住了,试图实现它在我的类。

由于某些原因,我的blackDetection(Mat &裁剪)无法访问裁剪后的图像,这会导致程序崩溃。下面是我的简化代码:

void ActualRec::run(){
    while (isActive){
    //...code to check for motion
    //if there was motion a cropped image will be stored in result_cropped      
        number_of_changes = detectMotion(motion, result, result_cropped, region,  max_deviation, color);
        if(number_of_changes>=there_is_motion) {
            // there was motion detected, store cropped image - this works 
            saveImg(pathnameThresh, result_cropped);
                if (blackDetection(result_cropped)==true){
                    //the cropped image has black pixels
                else {
                   //the cropped image has no black pixels
            // no motion was detected
bool ActualRec::blackDetection(Mat & result_cropped){
//...check for black pixels, program crashes since result_cropped is empty
//if i add imshow("test",result_cropped) I keep getting an empty window
   if (blackPixelCounter>0){
       return true;
else return false;

再次,问题是我无法在blackDetection(Mat &result_cropped)。



您没有在任何地方分配croppedBlack,因此您将在croppedBlack.at<Vec3b>(y,x)[c] =上崩溃。


croppedBlack.create(result_cropped.size(), result_cropped.type());


bool ActualRec::blackDetection(Mat& result_cropped)
    croppedBlack.create(result_cropped.size(), result_cropped.type());
    int blackCounter = 0;
    for(int y = 0; y < result_cropped.rows; ++y)
        Vec3b* croppedBlack_row = croppedBlack.ptr<Vec3b>(y);
        Vec3b* result_cropped_row = result_cropped.ptr<Vec3b>(y);
        for(int x = 0; x < result_cropped.cols; ++x)
            for(int c = 0; c < 3; ++c)
               croppedBlack_row[x][c] = 
                    saturate_cast<uchar>(alpha * result_cropped_row[x][c] + beta);